Air To Breath

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As soon as we were out the room I let go of katsuki's hand. He didn't like physical contact to much. "What are you doing?" He asked as I walked infront of him. "Walking? What do you mean what am I doing?" I said as he rolled his eyes. "No idiot come here" he said as he took his hand in mine and walked my pace. "Aren't you going to do a session with Mr. Aizawa you need alot of energy for that" he said as he looked away from me. "Awh is little katsuki worried about me?" I teased "shut it or I'll let go" he warned as stopped my teasing as we continued walking. "Where are we going exactly?" I asked he stopped and turned around to look at me "I don't Know" he said causing me to laugh and making him look away in embarrassment. "Let's go to my apartment" I said as I walked infront to lead the way.

Once we made it to my apartment I set my bag down and washed my hands. Katsuki did the same thing. "What do you want to make?" I asked as he smirked. "Get out of here you already know your going to burn the kitchen" he joked. "Katsuki I only burnt the cookies because I left them for to long last time" i said as he tried holding back his fit of laughter. "You didn't even have to put them in the oven if I wasn't already there the oven would of exploded" he teased as I gave up on trying to stay in the kitchen and went to my room to shower.

As I finished putting on a clean black shirt with sweats I left to get into the kitchen to find katsuki whisking at a super fast speed. "Katsuki do you need help?" I asked "No! I could do this by myself" he said aggressively. He threw the mix in the pan on the stove and began to chop some fruits fast. "Katsuki! Your going to cut-" he cut me off. "No I won't!" He said as I sighed and sat down on the couch.

A few minutes later he set the table. "Get your ass over here" he said as he sat down. I sat infront of the spicy curry noodles he prepared with cut vegetables on the sides. "Thank you!" I said as I dug into the spicy curry noodles. "Katsuki this is delicious" i praised "of course it is" he said as cocky as ever.

When we finished eating we started washing up the dishes and sat on the couch. We spent the rest of the day watching movies. As I checked my phone to see it was 8 I looked at katsuki. "I have to go katsuki" I said as I stood up and walked towards the door. He checked his phone and got up to. "Yeah me to I'll see you tomorrow" he said as walked to put on his shoes and left.

As I was walking to Aizawas apartment I felt relaxed but nervous. I walked around the building looking for a template that said Aizawa. I soon found it and knocked. I heard shuffling coming towards the door.
The door open to reveal Present Mic and Midnight. "Oh! Y/n what are you doing here?" Present Mic asked. "I'm here for my session with aizawa" I replied as Mic formed an O shape with his mouth. "Well we will be on our way" Present Mic said as he left with Midnight. They left me to close the door as I stepped into aizawas apartment. "Mr. Aizawa?" I asked "over here" aizawa said in one of the rooms. I walked towards the voice and opened his bedroom door.

There I saw him laid on his bed as I approached him. He sat up as I unwinded his bandages. "Are you still in pain?" I asked as he nodded. I sat down closer as I held his face in my hand and I thought for a second he leaned into my touch even more. I brought myself closer as I activated my quirk and pushed my lips onto his. His lips tasted like mint as I continued to kiss him not noticing how my healing power was going over my limits. Our lips moved together and we pulled apart for air.

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