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I was in pain it was unbearable I thought it'd pass out. I was left alone with the rock crushing my ankle. I kept on trying my best to move the rock for the time being and I did. I quickly slipped my ankle away and rolled away as the rock leaned forward. I took a breath of relief as I sat behind a tree and looked at my knee. It was bent out of shape so I was being resourceful of my surroundings I took two sticks and I bandaged it with long tree leaves as I sat my back down against the tree. It was enough that I over used my quirk and now I'm relying on the little energy I had left. I began to get up as I leaned from tree to tree to get support and with my wings they weren't really helping with keeping the weight off my injured ankle. I pushed through as much as I could and just as I was going to collapse Aizawa ran towards me with open arms and brought me in a hug. "Kota told me you were injured and I came as quick as I could" he said as he pushed me away for a little bit and saw my ankle. "It seems you don't even have the energy to put away your wings c'mon I'm taking you back this is enough training for today" he said as he carried me bride style.

As we made it inside aizawa brought me in a room where there was one bed and one couch. He set me down on the bed and held my injured ankle as he examined it. "I see you made yourself resourceful" he said as he slowly unwrapped my binding. He opened a drawer and took out some supplies as he treated my ankle and I winced in pain. He wrapped my leg around a white clothe and set my ankle down. "Do you have some energy to put away your wings or not yet?" He asked as he held my hand. "I'll see if I can" I said as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and let it go. It was until I fell further down the bed I noticed my wings disappeared. I opened my eyes to see Aizawa's worried look. "Are you okay? It seemed it took longer than usual" he said as he caressed my face with his hand. "It's okay I'm just exhausted that's it" I said as he brushed his thumb on my cheek. "Don't over do yourself y/n please, I want you to grow up to your full potential but like today if I wasn't there where you were at in time you would of collapsed" aizawa said as I nodded in agreement. "I'll be careful from now on" I said as he leaned into his touch. "Can I kiss you?" I whispered as he smiled down at me "you don't have to ask that" he said as he brought his lips to my forehead and down to my lips. "Kiss me anytime" he said as I pulled him towards me and had him press his body against mine. "I love you" I whispered against his lips as he attacked my lips and held my waist tightly. "You can't do this to me y/n" he said as he pulled away. "You're injured now and I can't make you do more physical activities" he said with a smirk as I playfully rolled my eyes. We heard footsteps approaching as aizawa stood up and leaned against the wall and I sat up on the bed. The door opened to reveal mandalay. "I was wondering where you were Kota ran up to me screaming that you were injured" she said as she looked at me and stared at my foot. "How'd you get hurt?" She asked as she walked closer. "Me and Kota were walking back and then a rock was coming from out of nowhere and I pushed him out of the way I got stuck with the rock crushing my ankle" I said as she seemed to understand. "Why would a rock come out of nowhere? I'll have to check on it with the rest of the group for now stay here and take care of her okay Erasure? Hopefully you get to participate with the rest of the students when we do the test of courage if not you can hang out with Kota it seems like the two of you get along well" Mandalay said as shota nodded and crossed his arms seeming bored.

As Mandalay left I was left with aizawa as we closed the door and locked it as we both laid on the bed and cuddled so I could be fully restored and full of energy. Aizawa left me alone with a kiss on my forehead as he left.

Once I woke up I saw aizawa brought in my dinner as he left it on the counter and left a note attached to some crutches 'Id rather you hang out with Kota then do the test of courage since your injured -Shota' it said as I smiled. I finished the dinner and began to walk out with the crutches. The sun was beginning to set I walked out only to bump into Kota. He hit his face against my thighs as he backed away. "Oh I'm sorry" I said as Kota looked up at me. "Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded. "Are you going to your hide out?" I asked as he nodded. "Do you mind if I accompany you? I don't think I can do the test of courage while I'm injured" I said as he nodded fast and walked by my side as the both of us walked to his hideout and he helped me.

We both sat on the edge as we looked at the sun setting and the sky turn dark. I looked around as I picked up a faint smell of something burning. I saw blue flames and smoke as I stood up with my crutches. I heard movement on my left as I turned and saw the person I was trying to run away from I was scared. Muscular...

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now