Shiver Down My Spine

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I placed the report back down in my back pack as I wiped my tears away one last time. As the music quieted and I was finally able to hear the knocking. I opened the door to be pushed into my apartment again. Katsuki dropped what seemed to be a suitcase and looked at me. "I'm staying here from now on to protect you" he said as he closed the door. "Bu-" I was cut off as he hugged me. "I'm here for you idiot that's what best friends are for right?" He asked as I nodded into his chest. "Did you get permission from your mom?" I asked as he nodded. "She wanted you to move in with us but I deserve a break and I said I'll come to you and she didn't put much of a fight after that" he said as he smirked at the memory. He probably got smacked to death before he got here.

  "Okay fine" I said as he finally let me go. He took his suitcase and went into the bed room across from mine. He unzipped his suitcase as I helped him unpack. He set his hoodies some place and left his undergarments in the suitcase and went to get other stuff. He noticed and smirked at how shy I became and how I was shaking just now clearing my mind into knowing I'll be sharing an apartment with katsuki. I quickly finished and sped off to my room closing the door behind me.

I took a shower as I wore my usual night attire a loose shirt and my underwear before I made way to my mirror and brushed my hair. Forgetting another man's presence in the house I walked out to retrieve my night snack. I went into the food closet and took out my snack as I stuffed my face while sitting infront of the TV as I sat a pillow on my lap. The door opened which made me flinch before katsuki appeared in front of me with his sweats on but no shirt I forced my gaze back to the TV before he noticed I looked at his body which didn't work because it's katsuki he notices everything. "I am going to need a spare key" he said as I pointed to the kitchen "it's in a drawer in the kitchen" I said. He made his way over there and opened and shut every drawer in the kitchen. "It's not here!" He yelled as I rolled my eyes. "It's in there katsuki" I said not looking at him. "I don't see it!" He continued as I sighed and set down my snack on the table by the couch. I moved the pillows and made my way into the kitchen forgetting what little bits of clothing I was wearing. I brushed past him as I opened a drawer and pulled out a key. I turned back around to face him but his gaze was fixated else where. He was staring at my thighs and slowly made his way up my body. It sent a shiver down my spine as I backed into the counter as I flinched as the cold marble hit the back of thighs. I held the key in my hand as I held eye contact with him. "It was here all the time katsuki" I said as he took the key from my hand. "What ever extra" he murmured and turned away quickly. I sat back down on the couch as I continued to eat my snack.

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