It Meant Nothing

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Later that day I went out with the boys. I was about to hold onto deku's hand when katsuki forcefully took my hand in his. We were going to Izukus house since his mom wanted me over.

Once we made it into his apartment katsuki let me go and back away as the woman rushed to me in a bone crushing hug. "My poor y/n!" She yelled as she hugged me and cried on me. I disappeared from there life as soon as my mother died so naturally she would have this reaction since she hasn't seen me for four months. "Come here I made your favorite!" She said as she took my hand and led me to the dinner table. Deku and katsuki following close behind. She sat me down and there laid my favorite food. She instantly sat down a plate of food infront of me as I told her thank you many times. I looked up at katsuki and then Inko saw him and hugged him to. He let her surprisingly and sat down right next to me. I continued to eat until I was full and helped out with the dishes. "So the sports festival is soon are you guys going to train together?" She asked as me and midoriya nodded and katsuki 'tsk' and looked away. She seemed happy. "Y/n you know me and izuku are always here for you please come to me if you need any help" she grabbed on to my hand as I smiled and hugged her. "thank you Inko I will do that from now on and you'll see me here mostly all the time just to eat your delicious dishes" I complimented her as she seemed pleased and hugged me even more. "well me and katsuki have to go but I'll see you in another day" i said as I waved and left with katsuki behind me.

  I dropped off katsuki and went my way to aizawas apartment as I looked at the time 7:28 pm I started walking up the steps as I took out the key from my pocket and unlocked the door. I opened the door and laid my bag down with my shoes while I noticed black heels. I made my way to aizawas bedroom as I saw the door was open I peeked and saw Aizawa smiling as midnight laughed next to him for some reason my heart seemed to hurt. "What are you looking at?" Someone whispered in my ear causing me to step back and punch the person on their throat to which it made them fall on the floor. I looked to see who it was and no surprise it was present mic. When he fell on the floor it made a ruckus that midnight came to see what happened. "I'm so sorry present mic!" I jumped to his side as he tried getting air in his lungs. "I-it's fi-ine kid it was my fault I shouldn't have startled you" he said. Midnight turned to me "how did you get in here anyway?" She question as I rose my keys. "Aizawa gave me a key" I said as I still had my attention on present mic who laid on the floor in pain. I didn't even notice I sat in between his legs. A small cough was heard as we all turned around to see Mr . Aizawa by the door. He walked closer and took my hand and lifted me from the floor and into his room. "Hey! What do you think your doing!?" I asked as he closed the door. "Do you think it's appropriate for you to be in that position against a grown man?" He asked. "You didn't seem to mind a different position when I was on top of you" I whispered so they wouldn't hear me. "That's different it meant nothing" he said as that felt like a stab to my heart. It meant nothing he said seriously. I swallowed an empty cry that was about to come out but I bit my tongue and looked at him with no expression at all.

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