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When I walked to my classmates my wings were on the floor from how heavy they were. My classmates looked at me astonished and excited as they walked my way. Almight took notice of my wings being dragged into the cement as I walked "Wow y/n I didn't know you had wings" kirishima said as he looked at me. Mina slapped his head "moron she is a succubus of course she has wings didn't you see her mom" she said as she walked towards me and touched my right wing. I felt my back arch and lean into the touch and bit back a moan that wanted to slip. My face became flustered as I backed away from her. I guessed my wings were really sensitive especially since they just came out for the first time I just didn't know how to put them away again. The class soon continued as my back ached from the weight of my wings. I tried my best to keep them up but they were too heavy to hold up.

We all headed back to change into our uniforms as I stayed in my hero costume because I doubted I could wear my uniform with my wings out. We made it into the classroom as shota looked surprised at the sight of my wings. "Have you had no luck?" Mina asked as I shook my head. "I really don't know how to get rid of them" I said with a heavy shrug as I lifted them up slightly only for them to fall back onto the floor with a loud thud. Shota moved my seat to the back only to keep me from blocking mineta's view and the other students behind him but shota still kept a close eye on me.

Once school finished I waited for him to finish his paperwork before I went up to his desk. He leaned his chair back gesturing me to sit on his lap to which i wanted to but my wings got in the way. He then stood up from his chair and stood behind me as he pressed himself against me. His hands wandered against my wings leaving feather like touches. I leaned my head back as my vision became hazy and soft moans filled the classroom. He continued moving his hands around my wings as I felt my self become hot the feeling was familiar it was as if I was getting ready to reach my climax. Aizawa leaned his head down to my neck as he teasingly bit my neck making me moan in delight as he moved his fingers roughly closer to my back where the wings were connected and I became undone as I released. I was panting trying my best to catch my breath as he chuckled at my state.

After awhile as I walked home with aizawa I had to lift up my wings as I walked because I didn't want them dirty or get cut so I endured the heavy weight. Once we got home I called night eye. "Hello what the matter y/n?" He said through the phone. "Hey um I have a question" I said as I heard a small hum from the phone. "I recently got a hold of my wings but I don't know how to summon or put them away properly" I said with a hint of embarrassment in my voice. "After and before every mission your mother would close her eyes and relax her body from what I saw at least" he said as I hummed in understanding. "I'll try that out thank you and are you available this weekend to chat?" I asked as he said yes and we agreed I'd meet him at his agency.

After the phone call I thought for a minute. I got my wings when I fell down a building while I closed my eyes and loosened my body because I knew I'd hit the floor. So I stood in place as I closed my eyes and loosened my body while tucking my wings in tight. I opened my eyes a few seconds later as I felt the weight of the wings leave my back. I looked to see they were no longer there as I threw my body in bed exhausted from carrying the wings all day. Aizawa came in the room soon after as he saw my falling asleep he sat down on his knees on top of the bed as he took off my shirt and bra and began to rub my back leaning down to give it a few kisses here and there with a small massage as I drifted off to sleep.

On the weekend I got out of shota's heavy grip on my body as I got ready to meet with night eye. I dressed casual as I slipped into my jeans and put on my bra and looked to the side of the floor where shota through his black shirt I wore last night on the  floor. I picked it up and put it on as I sat on the bed and leaned down to shota sleeping as I captured his lips in mine. He moaned into my mouth as he tried to get a hold on me but I stood up and smiled. "Not right now I need to go see night eye" I said as I motioned with my finger No. He let out an annoyed groan as he sat up in bed. "Kiss me again" He said as I giggled and sat back on the bed as he pulled me towards him. He kissed me as he held me by the back of my head deepening the kiss. "Mm~ shota-" I was cut off as he kept kissing me "I need to go" I said between kisses. "Can't I persuade you to stay a bit longer?" He asked as he kissed my neck and tried opening my pants. "My my where you not satisfied after last night's rounds?" I asked as he continued kissing my neck and abusing my sensitive spot I pulled away. "I would love to but that would be no fun at all if I were to satisfy you everytime" I said as he huffed in annoyance.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now