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"I'm guessing recovery girl doesn't know my quirk and how I use it she didn't let me explain at all I guess I have no choice in the matter" I said as aizawa responded with a small hum. Then was an awkward silence but I clapped my hands together and faced him. "Well it looks like I'll be taking care of you from now on Mr. Aizawa so take care of me to" I said to him. "I'll come back later to start our session" I said as I closed the curtain and sat back in bed mina laughed her ass off.

Just a few seconds later my father came in. "Y/n!" He ran to my side. "Hey Dad" I waved with my other hand he hugged me and pulled back to reveal tensei with him. "Tensei why are you here?" I asked as he approached with tears in his eyes. "Why didn't you call? We had to find out from tenya that the school was attached and you were in the hospital" he said as he hugged me to and let out a soft groan because he accidentally squeezed my broken arm. "Tenya told you I was at the hospital?" I asked as the men both nodded "he sounded worried and told us to hurry over here" my dad said. I smiled as tears fell down my cheeks once again. We kept talking as the men both went back home leaving me in the hospital bed with mina who eventually left with her parents.

I looked at the clock 8:30 pm it was dark out so I opened the curtain and saw Aizawa look down from the TV and look at me. "Are you ready?" I asked as he nodded "okay can you move anything?" I asked "no my body is in pain" he said in a duhh tone "hey! I'm just asking Mr. Aizawa can you try moving your arm?" I said as he tried but couldn't. Now with my broken hand it would be uncomfortable kissing him in any side. "Mr. Aizawa I'm going to have to get on top of you" I told him honestly. "Do whatever you think is best" he mumbled. I slowly started getting on top of his body and my legs parted and I lightly sat on his stomach to not cause anymore discomfort. I leaned in closer as I gripped his face and unwrapped some of the bandages around his face in my hands and closed my eyes and kissed him. It was as if the world stopped and it was just him and me our lips moved in sync. I felt it get a bit more heated but I pulled apart. I was out of breathe as I still sat on his lap. "That should be enough for today right?" I asked. As he nodded and I sighed as wrapped the bandages again "how do you feel?" I asked him as I got off his stomach and headed to my side. He moved from the bed as he sat up and moved his hands. "I guess my quirk heals more if I stay longer" I said. I started feeling dizzy "I'm feeling dizzy I'll do your session tomorrow in the morning" I told him. He nodded as I went back to my side and turned off the lights.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now