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As we walked out of school i kept looking behind me because the hair on the back of my neck stood up. "Mr. Aizawa I think someone is following us" i whispered as he pulled my hand close to him and we entered an alley way. He had me against the wall as he stood closer to me making us share a breath. He leaned his body on mine and I tried distracting my self of other things so I wouldn't activate my quirk. I kept thinking of puppies, cats, or anything just to make me forget that I had his muscles and scent around me. I lightly groaned as he closed in closer leaning his head on my shoulder as we heard foot steps close to the alleyway. 'puppies, rabbits, kittens' my mind repeated. 'puppies, rabbits, kittens' again and again. Until the foot steps faded away and Aizawa back off giving me a break to control my hormones. "I think they are gone let's go" he said not looking at me. He continued on walking as I followed close behind. I fanned my face to cool down and looked anywhere except at the man in front of me. He left the alley way as I followed him close behind. We started walking closer to my street as we turned a corner and then another and we stood infront of my apartment. He handed me my bag as I bowed to him. "Thank you so much Mr. Aizawa" I smiled at him as I walked inside. "Bye see you tomorrow" I told him as I waved and he waved back at me and left. I unlocked my apartment and got ready for bed. Today was quite......eventful. I covered my face with my blankets just at the thought of having aizawa against me like I did a few moments ago.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now