Bath Tub🍋

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I stared at my phone blankly as I saw many messages and missed calls either from my dad or iida. My phone was soon taken away as I looked up to see shota holding on to it before he reached up on a top shelf laying my phone there. I pouted before he made his way back to the couch "we have today and tomorrow off... I heard about Tensei and what his condition is now" he said as he pulled me to his lap. "He is in stable condition and fine... I heard from one of the nurses he asked about you" shota said "well that's good I'm glad his fine and I don't think I'll ever see him again" I said as he wrapped his hands around my figure. "I never asked but who won yesterday?" I asked "Katsuki did but he wasn't to happy about it" he said as I nodded.

The next day

"Do you want to see how many internships you got?" He asked as I looked up from watching the TV. He sat at the kitchen table surrounded by paper work I quickly made my way towards him. "Yeah sure" I said as he passed me a piece of paper. I set it down on the table before I took off my hair tie and made my way towards. I ran my fingers through his hair as I made a small bun. "Thanks" he said causing me to giggle. "You should have told me you wanted your hair out of your face sooner" I said as he held my waist. "Yeah you're right" he said as he leaned his chair back a little bit before he sat me there and I grabbed the paper with the hero internships. I looked at the list of names "I'm mostly scouted by R-rated heroes... They didn't see my quirk in action that much" I said as I leaned into his chest. "Some people in the crowd recognized you from old photos and started talking about you" he said as I hummed in understanding. "That makes sense" I said as I looked at the hero names "oh isn't this the new R-rated hero Big Guy?" I asked as he looked at me "No absolutely not" aizawa said causing me to giggle. "Oh? Jealous?" I asked as he let out the same growl I heard from yesterday. "Okay so no big guy well there is midnights agency" I said as aizawa shrugged causing me to smile. "You could have just told me you wanted me to go to here's in the beginning" I said as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "Is there anything else I need to do?" I asked as he continued to do paperwork. "You need a code name" he said as I looked at him. "Code name..." I repeated as I thought of names. My mom's hero name was lilineth. I could shorten it I thought. "How does Lilin sound?" I asked as he looked at me from his paperwork. "Sounds perfect but are you sure?" He asked as I nodded. "It's a shorter version from my mom's hero name" I said as he smiled sadly.

"I guess we have to go tomorrow to school" I said as shota got out the shower before he walked to the tub where I was currently at. "I made sure I washed your uniform" he said as I reached for his hand pulling him down as he sat behind me raising the water higher to our chest. He moved my hair from my neck as he kissed my neck trailing up as he turned my head and captured my lips with his. I melted in the kiss as I moved my body to the side before straddling him. "Are you sure?" He asked as I kissed him. "You don't have to ask me everytime we have done this at least twice and this is our third time" I said as he smiled. "As long as it's you I don't mind" I said as I wrapped my arms on his neck. He leaned down in the water as he lined himself at my entrance before slowly pushing me down. I buried my face in his neck as my inner walls clenched around him. We might have done it before but I still wasn't used to it. The bathroom was filled with heavy breathing as I tried to relax around him. Once I did I moved myself up and down as he held onto my waist moving me into a rhythm he and I were both comfortable with. "Ah~ shota!" I yelled as he moved me up and down quickly making some of the water fall out of the tub. The both of us were to heated in the moment both losing ourselves as we wanted to reach or climax. The bathroom was soon filled with moans and groans and the occasional sound of water falling from the tub. As my own climax reached I found my finger nails scratch shota's back as he moaned in pleasure and then the both of us locked lips as we reached out high. That's when I noticed that he got off from pain is he some sort of masochist. I smirked at the idea as I leaned my forehead against his.

After we finished we entered the bed room. "Can I wear the shirt you were wearing today?" I asked as he looked confused on why I asked. "It has your fragrance" I said as he threw me the shirt he had been wearing the whole day. I quickly slipped it on as I made my way to the bed before I was tackled into it by shota as he cuddled close to me. He spooned me as he laid his head on top of mine.

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