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The first day midnight and I patrolled nearby areas. Aizawa went back to UA to continue working. We did run into some thugs here and there but they were easily defeated. Midnight was surprisingly cool to be around even if she did talk about present mic alot or any sort of poses that I made sure to note down for later for um research purposes of course. "You know kid youre not as bad as I thought" she said as I looked at her. "Oh yeah?" I said as she looked at me then she patted my head. "Aizawa is lucky to have you" she said as I turned away flustered. "Awh you're such a cutie!" She said before she wrapped her arms around me.

"I have a question" midnight said as I looked at her. "What happens when you get no interaction?" She asked as I looked at her. "From what I can tell I think I'll pass out from exhaustion" I said as she nodded and we continued walking.

True to his word aizawa would show up early in the morning after I changed into my hero costume to bring me in for a kiss or kisses I should say before leaving. It was until the fourth day where he didn't and midnight said it was fine that we were going into city to patrol and nothing was going to happen. She would soon be eating those words.

We went into the city passing by shady areas and other hero agencies when we saw Ms. Joke and she saw us. She came to greet us "what a surprise! I didn't know I'd see so many familiar faces today especially after seeing shota this morning" she said to midnight as she through worried glances at me. 'This morning? Was that why he wasn't there!' I said to myself as I felt myself trembling. Ms. Joke kept rambling but I quickly walked away entering the alleys as I was face to face with a group of men. I stumbled back surprised as they surrounded me. "What a surprise" one said "Isn't this y/n? Lilineths daughter?" Another said as they chuckled. I used the last amount of energy I had from yesterday when I had the men's eyes on me. Some of them fell on there knees whining about the heat coursing through their body. There was only three standing up straight 'Not enough energy' I told myself as they walked my way. I stepped back as I bumped into a chest. I looked up to see red eyes looking down at me. I remembered them clearly he was apart of the attack at usj. He looked at me then at the three guys in the alleyway. "Cornering a girl really?" He asked as he scratched his neck before pushing me away towards a wall as I sat down against it. He quickly finished the three guys and the ones on the floor before walking towards me again. I was exhausted I was giving out I was so low on energy. He squatted down infront of me. "A succubus" he said as he lifted my head up with three fingers he looked at me. "Well Don't you look exhausted" He said sarcastically "You need some help?" He asked as he leaned closer to me.
"T-tomura" I said remembering his name as I was going in and out of consciousness.

I want to thank everyone for wishing me a happy birthday yesterday I honestly love you guys!!

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