Nightmare or Warning?

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Cold I felt cold. I was home but the house felt extremely cold and not welcoming at all. "Mom?" I asked as I walked around the house. "Mom this isn't funny" I said as I turned each corner. Heavy foot steps were heard as the echoed around the house. "Y/n! Run! His coming for you!" She yelled. "Mom! Who's coming for me?" I asked. "Go! Run!" She yelled then an agonying scream was heard. "Mom!!!" I yelled as I started running away. The footsteps got closer. I turned around to see a huge man as he moved his muscles. "I've been looking for you!" He yelled. "No! Go away stay back!"  I yelled as I sped off. "Stay aware of your surroundings y/n" my mother's voice rang in my ears. "Mom! Where are you?!!" I asked. I tripped and the villian got closer and closer as he finally got me in his hold. "You'll be just as easy to kill like your mother" he said as he split my body in two.

  I woke up In cold sweat as I looked around to see a very concerned aizawa on his side as he sat up. "Was it a nightmare?" He asked. "Y-yes" I was a mess as I cried from fear that one day the killer that killed my mom will find me. "You don't have to talk about it" he said. I just nodded as I was trembling in my bed. "I'm going outside I need to breath for a little bit" I said as I got up from bed and left.

  The cold night air felt so good against my body. It was soothing I stood upon the hospital roof top. "Mom? Are you giving me a warning about the future?" I asked as I hugged myself. The cold air picked up as in giving me a sign to head in now. "Yeah yeah mom I got it I'll head inside now I miss you mom" I said staring at the sky. As I walked in the hospital it felt so sad as I had to recall the memory of me rushing to the hospital to see my mom's corpse on a hospital bed. I walked the same hallway turned the same corner and showed up at the same door. I finally understood why the room felt so familiar it was the room my mom was in. I slid the door and closed it to see present mic sitting next to aizawa. "Hey kid where were you right now? It's not safe roaming around at 5 in the morning" he said as he stood up and walked me to my bed. "I just needed some air sorry for worrying you" I told him as he patted my back. "Don't sweat it kiddo" he said as he walked back to aizawa. Aizawas eyes showed concern but I turned back to my bed and fell back asleep.

Aizawa p.o.v.
I heard shortages of breath coming from the other side of the room. As I tried getting up pain on my legs started bothering me. There was no use in getting up. "Y/n" I said but got no response. "Y/n!" She still didn't answer and just as I was about to call for help she woke up. She sat up and looked at me. "Was it a nightmare?" I asked to which she replied "y-yes" she was terrified you could see it in her eyes and her shaking figure. "You don't have to talk about it" I assured her. She just nodded . "I'm going outside I need to breath for a little bit" she said as she got up from bed and left.

  "Hey! Hey aizawa how are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm doing just fine how is almight?" I asked "the big guy is doing well to" he said as I hummed. "Where is y/n? Isn't she supposed to be here?" He asked "yes but she went out for a bit to get some fresh air" I responded. "So is her quirk really powerful to heal you quickly?" He asked as he sat down on the chair next to my bed. "Yes I could move my hands now" I answered. "If she were like her mom she'd have you healthy in a second" he said. "Mic she's still learning plus she's a pure succubus she doesn't have many abilities" I defended her. "So how does she do it?" He asked. "What?" I asked. "Yeah how does she heal you?" He asked. "I um-" I was saved as the door opened to reveal y/n. "Hey kid where were you right now? It's not safe roaming around at 5 in the morning" he said as he stood up and walked her to her bed. "I just needed some air sorry for worrying you" she told him as he patted her back soothingly. "Don't sweat it kiddo" he said as he walked back to me . My eyes stayed right on her as I saw her turn on her bed and fall back asleep.

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