You fool

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As I opened my box filled with clothes I pulled out leggings and Aizawa's hoodie. I smiled at the thought when he first gave it to me I was dropped in a pond because of katsuki. I set his hoodie to the side as I took out his sandals to and I took out a plain t-shirt. I dressed in my leggings and t-shirt holding the hoodie and sandals in my hands then walked down to the living room. Tensei was waiting by the door as we hurried off.

The drive wasnt as awkward as I thought I would be we'd crack jokes here and there and he told me stories about his agency. "Your participating in the sports festival right?" He asked me passing me a side glance. "Oh yeah I am was it hard when you did it?" I asked him as he gave me a Stern nod. "Yeah but I believe you can make a big impression on the field just fight your hardest" he said as I looked at him "Of course I will!" I yelled as the both of us chuckled. He stopped the car infront of aizawas apartment "I'm going to check on some files in the agency I'll call you when I am done" he said as I nodded and got off. I made my way to the apartment then turned back and waved him off as he began to drive.

I walked up to Aizawa's door and knocked. A few minutes later aizawa opened the door and I saw his bandages became a mess. "Are you a child?" I asked as he stepped to the side letting me in and closing the door behind me. "What's that?" He asked as he diverted his eyes to the hoodie and sandals.

"Well when I was moving I found these again" I said as I tried shoving them infront of me to which he pushed them down. "Are you breaking up with me?" He asked as his stared at me. "W-what no why would you think that?" I said as I set the things down and ran to him wrapping my arms around his neck as I held him close. "For starters aren't girls supposed to keep their boyfriend's things? Why are you returning it" he said as his arms caged around my figure. "No that wasn't what I was implying at all shota look at me" I said but he diverted his attention somewhere else. "C'mon look at me you fool" I said as he flinch and looked at me causing me to giggle at his reaction. "Do you want me to keep them?" I asked as he nodded causing me to lay my forehead on his chest and chuckle. "I will keep them then" I said as he lifted me up and walked to the couch as he put me in a straddling position. "You're such a baby" I said as I took his chin in my hand and kissed him. He kissed back with a little more passion then we had in the beginning. It was hunger coming from him. I put my palms on his chest as I pulled back. "We need to concentrate on healing you and changing your bandages shota" I said as I got off his lap. He stood up infront of me "now take off your I'll help you take a bath with some herbs that can help after that I'll open new bandages for you got it?" I asked as I looked back up at him he had a smirk on his face as he held his shirt over his head. "You just can't wait  to see me naked again can you y/n?" He teased with a smirk as he lowered his head to my height leaning closer. I simply pushed away as I covered my face. "Just hurry up!" I yelled as he chuckled. The room was filled with shuffling and the sound of clothes falling on the floor. "I'm done" he said as I peeked from my hand uncovered my eyes. "I'll run you a herbal bath right now then, you need to take off your bandages and come to the bathroom when you're done" I said as I walked into his room and in the bathroom.

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