Going Down To Hell

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Sir nighteye rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I want you to be careful" he said as I nodded. "I will thank you for worrying about me" I told him as he gave me a small smile. "it was nice seeing you again I wish you the best in the festival I need to go and check on Mirio" he said as I nodded before he walked away. Iida was going to go up again so I made my way to his waiting room. He was on a phone call so I quietly closed the door. He got off the phone call as he faced me. "Oh your here that's good because we need to leave to the hospital" he said trying to keep his composure but that was a fake facade I'd always put on when I did my best not to break down. I walked closer to him slowly as I pulled him into a hug. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me before burying his face in my shoulder. "It's Tensei he was stabbed" he said as I soothed his back. "Let's get going then I'm sure the teachers will understand" I said before we both pulled apart and ran out.

When we finally did make it to the hospital and stood infront of tensei's room. We were both out of breath for over using our quirks. The door slid open to reveal Mrs. Iida she looked at iida then at me as she glared "Go inside iida" she said as iida went into the room leaving me outside hesitantly. "what are you doing here leave!" She began to scream as I stood my ground. "I'm not leaving that's my brother in there!" I yelled as she let out a small chuckle "brother? Funny because I don't remember giving birth to you" she said as I rolled my eyes. "No and I'm sure as glad you didn't but regardless that's my brother in there" I said as I tried getting in she pushed me back. "You are not family-" I cut her off "aren't you tired of saying the same damn thing everyday get over yourself" I said as she hit my chest making me tumble back. "You are a constant reminder of what he did you were a mistake!!" she yelled as she slapped me. I cupped my cheek as I looked at her before I lightly pushed her to the side to enter the room. Mrs. Iida had a plan in store as I pushed her lightly she fell to the ground letting out a loud yell. Everyone in the hospital quickly looked my way and started blaming me for bullying an elder. My father came from the entrance of the hospital as he saw security guards surrounding me. He questioned what had happened when everyone pointed there finger at me wrongly accusing me. He made his way to me as he showed rage my face was covered with my hair so there wasn't no way to see the swollen red hand print on my right cheek before I received another. I looked at him in shock "Did you re-" I cut my self off as I looked up brushing my hair back. His whole rage left replaced with regret and guilt as he saw the other hand print he quickly tried stretching out his hand but I slapped it away and left the hospital.

I quickly got on a taxi as I made my way to aizawas apartment. I payed for the ride as I stood outside the apartment remembering I didn't have a spare key and Aizawa would be home in two hours or so. I sat down infront of the door as I rested my head back slowly dozing off.

I was shook awake as I was face to face with aizawa. I felt a breath of relief as I threw myself on him. He picked me up as he opened his apartment door. "What happened? Y/n you could have called me... Did you wait long?" He asked as he sat me down on the couch. I looked up and it seemed like he held his breath before he slowly reached up to my face. "Who-" I cut him off as I turned away. "I just fell when I made my way to the hospital I trip-" i instantly shut up as I saw he wasn't believing me with that glare. "I rather not talk about it please?" I said as he sighed before he pulled my nose. "Fine but I want a full explanation and no lies" he said as I nodded "I promise" I told him before I sat on his lap and cuddled up to him. "I'm sorry I didn't call I just didn't want to be a both-" he cut me off "you'll never be a bother just call me next time and here" he said as he handed me the spare key again.

Once the next morning came I woke up on his bed as his body was pressed against me as I smelt a faint odor of medical supplies. I turned my head to see a first aid kit before I lifted my hand to see I had bandages on both of my cheeks. I giggled before I leaned closer into his chest. 'He really does care' I told myself as I looked back up at him only to catch him staring down at me. "What has my little kitten so happy?" He asked as I became flustered and hid myself on his chest. "i-i was just thinking" I told him as he lightly smiled "oh?" He said as he crawled on top of me "what has my kitten been thinking about?" He asked as his lips were barely an inch apart from mine. "I'm just so lucky to have yo-" he cut me off with a kiss. "I'm the one who's lucky" he said causing me to giggle.

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