Lucid dream

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I slid my hand across shota's chest as I looked up at him. I giggled at how fast asleep he was. I pecked his lips before I pulled back. "Cmon we have to get up we spent the whole weekend doing rounds" I whispered as he shifted in his sleep. "Have it your way then" I said as I closed my eyes and concentrated on aizawa and entered his dream
Aizawa's dream
I had just got back from patrol and entered the room to see y/n in black lingerie wearing kitty ears. "Master you're home" she said as she walked into my arms. "I've been waiting for you~" she said in my ear as my whole body became hot. "So this is what you've been dreaming about?" A voice behind me asked. "I'd imagine something more exciting" i said with a smirk. "Y-y/n" he stuttered as I smirked. "How about having the both of us? I don't mind sharing" Other me said leaving me and aizawa shocked. "That's to bold" I whispered as I turned away. "I'll see you in real life where there is only one me" I said before I woke up to see aizawa still sleeping. I wanted to punch him for thinking such a thing but I stood up and got ready.

When I came back in the room aizawa was dressing in his usual attire. "Had fun?" I said somewhat bitterly. He chuckled "are you jealous of yourself?" He asked as I poured and looked awake. I was startled as shota made me face me "your the real thing" he said as he pecked my lips causing me to smile. "Alright hurry up or we will be late" I said as he nodded and slipped on his black shirt.

We made it to school and went through the lessons and we had final period before lunch. Today was like any other but I was nervous especially with the final exams around the corner. Shota reminded us to do our work and continue to study and training as everyone grunted. Then he left us with a good luck and closing the door. Mina and denki both looked to be nervous. "Hey don't worry to much about the exam I'm sure it's gonna be easy" I said to Mina as she sulked in my arms. Everyone started to ask momo for help as I brushed it off and went to katsuki and kirishima. "Sounds like I should be studying with her" kirishima said as I let out a nervous laugh he really should. Last time katsuki helped me study it was brutal. "You think I don't know enough maybe I should we do lessons into your skull" he said as I smiled nervously at the two. "Y/n are you going to join us?" Kirishima asked as I nodded. "Katsuki works better if I am around" I said as kirishima nodded.

I sat with bakugo ,kirishima and Mina as we talked about studying and the exams and what's most likely to be expected on it. Shota hasn't told me anything of what we are doing so I can't really give my own opinion but with the rounds we do everyday I could tell it's a big exam or if his just that full of stamina. Either way I had to focus on the written exam.

We reached the end of the day as I left the class for the day I met up with aizawa outside the classroom door in a hallway before we heard the door slam shut we saw katsuki walking away. I sighed as I saw him leave "I need to train" I told aizawa as he looked at me "with my wings I need to train them" I said as he nodded and slipped a piece of paper my way. I saw that he wrote down exercises to build up muscles for my back and core. "I talked with the No. 3 hero hawks and he told me to have you do these exercises so you can maintain your wings off the ground he will personally come train you once you've built your muscles and could keep your wings off the ground" he said as I looked up at him. "What! Really? Hawks is going to train me? This is awesome!!" I said as I looked back down at the paper.

A week had gone by as we were focused on studying and I spent the week days after school helping to tutor kirishima and calm katsuki down from giving him a head injury. We finished the written exam in 3 days as a class. I let out a sigh of relief I at least didn't let anything blank. My nerves were messing with me again as I remembered we still had the practical exam.

We all dressed in our hero costumes and made it to central plaza where we met up with the teachers. "This years test will be completely different for various reasons" nezu said as he climbed out of aizawa's scarf. "The test will be with team work and combat skills so that means you students will be working in pairs and your opponents will be one of our teachers" he said as I began to get nervous. I was partnered up with sero and mineta and we were up against midnight. We either had to capture the teacher or run away I stayed with them to talk with the boys and see their ideas.

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