What if I do

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"I should get going goodnight" I said as I stood up only to feel the whole floor move as I stepped back. Aizawa looked at me but I turned around and continued walking. No matter how tired I was I pushed through. "Hey" aizawa said as he stood up but I didn't hear any movement. "Yeah?" I turned around and he was inches away from my face he took my hand and placed a key into my palm. "Here take it so I won't have to go through the hassle of getting up and answering the door" he said and walked back to bed. I placed the key in my key chain as I left his apartment.

  I walked home drowning in my own thoughts. "Do I like Aizawa?" I asked just at the memory of us kissing each season would become heated. Maybe I wanted release maybe I don't like him. What if I do? My thoughts kept repeating again and again until I got home.

The next day I got ready for school as I left for school walking through my neighborhood until I got to U.A. I went into the classroom and sat in my usual seat behind katsuki. I saw iida running and stood up infront of the class. I muted him completely and started thinking on how Mr. Aizawa was doing. Then I heard mina talking to asui asking who she thought was going to teach class. Just then the door slid open revealing Aizawa "morning class" he said with the bandages covering his face. "Mr.aizawa what are you doing here!?" The whole class except bakugo and me asked.  'He should be in bed' I told myself. 'ill make sure to scold him' I said as I sat my back on the chair and sighed. He started walking to the front limping and looked at me. He noticed my change of attitude to and lowered his shoulders knowing what's going to happen when it's just us two alone. "Mr. Aizawa I'm glad you okay" iida Butt in as to not seem to suspicious on what he saw. "My well being is irrelevant whats more important is that your fight isn't over yet" he said calmly. "Our fight?" Katsuki asked "don't tell me" deku seemed worried. While mineta seemed scared shitless just at the thought of bad guys. Aizawa faced the front "The UA sports festival is about to start" as the whole class seemed to relax knowing it wasn't about bad guys. Irrelevant I didn't pay attention after that. No one but mina, katsuki, deku, and Aizawa really knew what my quirk was so I was at an advantage. I payed attention again to hear aizawa say "this event is
A huge opportunity to all students at UA it's not something we can cancel because of a few villians". Then he continued "our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the past everyone obsessed over the Olympics
Games but the quirks started appearing now the Olympics have been reduced in terms of scale and viewership for anyone who cares about competition there is only one event that matters and that the UA sports festival" he said. I rolled my eyes clearly not interested in the subject at hand. Whatever they throw my way I'd still make it to make my mom proud. I started sketching as I muted everyone again except for aizawa. This is my chance to show off my skills and become better but being pure won't help. Mr. Aizawa said we better not slack off in our training and I'm counting on making the small amount of my power to become stronger for the festival.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now