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I didn't need to see his face I knew who he was and I tried my best not to tremble. "Why are you here?" I asked as I stood infront of Kota as I looked directly at muscular as he smirked. "You look just like your mother" he said as my gut twisted. "You'll be just as easy to kill like her" he said as he walked closer. "I don't think so" I said as I stepped on both my feet and tried not to wince in pain. I bit my lip as I held onto my crutches "Kota and y/n I don't know where you guys are but come back to camp fast we are under attack with the villians" Mandalay said as I looked behind me to see Kota looking up. I nodded his direction as he began to walk backwards with muscular coming into our view more clearly as he took off his mask. Kota ran away and I threw my crutches at muscular and began to run to with an injured ankle.

He was infront of us in a second as I pushed Kota back and I brought my wings out and making them block Muscular's punch as I was pushed back my feet slid back and I fought through the pain on my ankle. I looked back to see deku rolling away with Kota I drew a breath of relief knowing kota was more safe. "Leave us alone!" Kota yelled as muscular laughed. "Leave you alone? I don't think so I still have unfinished business with her" muscular said as he pulled me by my wings and had me in his grasp. "Cover your eyes!!" I yelled as both boys glared at muscular but shut their eyes. "I don't think so sweetheart your mom tried the same thing" he said as he threw me against the floor. I grunted in pain as I tried getting up I couldn't. I yelled in pain as muscular stepped on my injured ankle causing my bones to crack. I cringed at the sound but I needed to focus to activate my glow. He pressed harder as I began to cry hot tears as they raced down my face.  "There's the reaction I was looking for" he said as I glared at him. "C'mon that's no fun I want to hear that pretty mouth of yours yell out in pain... How about I tear off your wings?" He asked as he held them and started to pull. I cried out in pain again as deku punched muscular causing his hold on me to loosen. I quickly rolled away with my injured wings. I held Kota in my arms as I flexed my wings to cover us. I ignored the pain on my wings and ankle as I covered us.

The voices were somewhat muffled as I leaned closer. "Do you really think you can save them?" Muscular asked deku as I gulped. I held Kota closer as he trembled against my body as I felt a punch against my wings. I bit my lip so I wouldn't cry. Then I felt another and again as he was pushed off me. I opened my wings to see Midoriya fighting muscular but he laid on the ground I stood up and began to walk as I limped my way over there I flexed my wings out and stabbed him with it as Kota got me off gaurd by throwing a rock. I stabbed muscular again with my wings in a fast motion as I jumped towards Kota. "Remember water hose my mom and my dad did you torment the two of them to? Before you killed them" Kota said as I grabbed Kota and lifted him up on my arms. "Huh? Seriously those losers were your parents? Well then this must be fate for starters I still need to finish up her you'll have to wait in line... Your parents were the cause of me having an artificial eye right now" muscular said as he got closer. I covered kota's eyes as I began to glow faintly. Muscular stopped in his tracks but soon began as he approached closer with a smirk. I pushed Kota back as muscular grabbed me. "Now let's have some fun" he said as held me and began to tighten his grip around my body. He lifted his fist as it collided with my wing and he continued punching as I striked my wing close to his eye. He let me go and tried jumping on me as my balance on the edge of the hill was lost I fell down while Kota yelled my name.

I fell down as the trees cut through my wings and back but I landed alive on the ground. I heard footsteps close by as I laid still. The footsteps approached as I opened my eyes to see a guy with a mask and magician hat looking down at me. "I found you y/n now let's go tomura us waiting" he said as he reached his hand down to me and everything turned dark.

This is the end of the first book! I will be publishing the second book this week on Friday! The next book title and cover:

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