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I stood infront of the front door of the apartment as I inhaled and exhaled before I turned the key and pushed the door open. As soon as I got into the apartment I laid my shoes down by the  you door not looking up. When I did I saw Aizawa there infront of me his face remained motionless but his eyes...oh his eyes held some type of emotion. He pushed me against the door before I could even try to speak. He held my face in his hands as he kissed me that wasnt a surprise on its own as he was aggressive yet soft. He moved between my legs and moved his hands on my thighs getting a tight hold of me from behind my thighs carrying me. I kissed back as I  wrapped my hands around his neck without giving it a thought. He pressed himself closer as I let out a small moan escape which gave him entrance to enter his tongue and wonder around my mouth. I felt weak this was to much he made me completely melt at his touch. He walked me to his room as he sat on the bed and I straddled his hips. He pressed me down on his hips more as instinct I slowly rocked my hips back in forth as a quiet moan escaped from the both of us at the friction it was causing. It was if my body was on fire and he was the only cause of this reaction within me. His hands laid right on my hips as he pulled me closer to his chest. "Cruel beautiful thing" he whispered as his kisses went down to my neck as I tilted my head back. "You must have had to suffer from this morning" I said as I looked back down on him with a smirk as he only let out a groan before he took a hold of my shoulders and through me onto the bed. "Oh? Are you taking control now?" I asked as he unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off and throwing them to the side. He picked up my right leg as set himself between my legs. He brought my thigh close to his mouth as he kissed the inside of them before he teasingly bit it. I let out a groan as I laid my head back. He took a hold of the rim of my underwear before he slipped them off to. We were going to continue when my phone started to ring. We both looked up at each other before he tried to continue only for it to continue ringing. I turned to the side and looked at the caller ID to see midnight calling. "Hello midnight" I said trying to hide any annoyance from slipping out. "Y/n I wanted to talk with you are you free right now? Let's go shopping while we are at it summer is approaching after all and with summer training camp you'll need clothes" she said as I sat up in bed. "It's fine I guess I can go just let me get ready" I said as I saw aizawa frown slightly. "Okay well I'll meet you at the mall in an hour or so bye~" midnight said before she hung up.

I was going to get out of bed when I turned to see aizawa. "I promise I'll make it up tonight" I said as I gave him a peck on his lips before changing again. I saw aizawa leaning by the door as I slipped my shoes on and he had his on. "Are you coming with me?" I asked as he nodded. "Mic is also going to the mall so why not" he said as I giggled and held his hand as we left his apartment.

Once we made it to the mall midnight smirked at the sight of me and aizawa holding hands. She quickly stole me away from shota "we will meet you at the food court in an hour" she said before she dragged me away. I don't really know how to act around her yet I know she is trying her best to be a mother figure towards me but I highly doubt mothers would act the way she does.

"Are you nervous for your final exam?" She asked as I shook my head. "I'm studying very hard and with aizawa there to explain everything it makes it easier" I said as she smiled. We entered a store and one after another she dove into the pile of clothes and made me try them on and she bought all of them for me. "Midnight-" I said as she cut me off "call me nemuri" she said as I nodded she looked at her watch. "I think it's time to meet the boys you go ahead I still need to buy some stuff" she said as I nodded again and left. I walked towards the food court as I saw both boys with there back facing me. "I know y/n loves me but I want to hear her say it is that selfish" aizawa said as present mic patted his back. "It doesn't come easy bud she has to find out for her self and we can't force her to say it" he said as I aizawa nodded. I felt guilty down to my stomach. I had been lying to him about tomura and I haven't even said I loved him. Maybe I can't or maybe I'm just scared but saying I love you was a problem with my mom to. I missed so many chances at telling her that I loved her but I didn't. I shook my head as I walked closer.

"Hey shota" I said as I set the bags down. Both men turned to me then looked at the bags. "It wasn't me I swear nemuri bought me all of this" I said as I raised my hands in defense. They both let out a small chuckle before I sat down next to shota. He held my hand on top of the table. As we all continued to talk until nemuri came in sight with even more bags. "Okay I think this is enough for today" present mic said as he left with midnight leaving me and aizawa alone. "Hey lets go home" I said with a smile as I tried to pick up the bags only for aizawa to take them away.

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