First Kiss

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I leaned in closer and the stopped as the doors were busted open. It was almight he stood at the door. And in a second he was where we were. He picked up aizawa with me and the rest of deku's group. He laid us back to the floor giving aizawa to me and deku. "Everyone head back to the entrance and take aizawa with you he doesn't have much time left" almight said. We all nodded and left I was to worried on Aizawa that I didn't hear what deku and almight were talking about. We headed back up the stairs my mind was only on helping aizawa with my healing. But they might not be strong yet but it will work. Deku left leaving me and asui with mineta and Aizawa. They just stayed there to watch but I felt aizawa twitch. "Guys we need to hurry" I told them as they nodded. We continued on walking a little bit more faster then uraraka came with another guy to help us out. As we reached the entrance of outside the guy with multiple parts of his body carried Aizawa out and held him in his hands. Gun shots were heard. Principal nezu told us to head outside and wait for an ambulance. We stayed outside as mina stood close to me and I stayed close to the guy carrying Aizawa.

"Hey!" I told him as his mouth came close to me "what?" He answered back. "Um can you lower Mr. Aizawa down?" I asked and he did I stood infront of him as mina called for more ambulances and then looked at me. She knew what I was about to do. "Mr.Aizawa" I said as I lightly touched him. He opened his eyes and nodded giving me permission. I held aizawas face and brought it closer to mine and I kissed him. The guy holding aizawa tensed up. After a few seconds I backed up and saw Aizawa glowing a faint green. His bones twisted back to their normal self. Aizawa laid in the guys arms exhausted. "What did you do?" The guy asked. "I healed him" I said to him. Mineta came by me in a split of a second "I think I broke a bone to" he said. "Do you want anything else broken?" I asked he backed away. "Aizawas injuries aren't recovered he still has some broken bones my quirk still isn't strong en-" I was cut off as I fell to the floor unconscious. 'i must have over used my quirk' I told myself as I saw mina run to me and closed my eyes.

I was in the hospital when I woke up. Mina was beside me crying. When she saw me open my eyes she attacked me with a bone crushing hug as I groaned she lightly let go. "Don't scare me like that y/n!" She yelled "I'm sorry I wasn't looking forward to breaking my arm when I fainted either" I lifted my casted arm. "Don't joke like that I know now that you faint if you use to much of your power so you can count on me to catch you from now on" she said with a smile making me giggle. "Thank you" I said as I finally took in my surroundings and got up from bed to pull aside my curtain to see aizawa in the same room. He looked at me and I instantly closed the curtain and covered my face. Mina came up to me "did I really kiss aizawa?" I whispered as she smiled "yes look I have proof" she got out her phone and showed me a picture of me kissing aizawa. "Why would you take a picture?" I whispered "well you told me you never had your first kiss and I wanted you to remember it so I took a picture" she said as I sighed. I reopened the curtain and walked beside his bed. "I'm sorry I didn't fully heal you Mr. Aizawa" I said as tears went down my cheeks. He groaned "y/n it's okay yo-" I cut him off "no it's not okay you'd be better and in good condition but because I'm to pure I'm not strong enough to do that yet" I told him honestly. "Hey! Y/n it's fine you fixed half the damages anyway" he said. Just as I was about to continue talking when recovery girl stood infront of me. "Are you the one that helped aizawa with his injuries?" She asked. "Well yes-" I was cut off "your quirk is strong you should do session's on him to recover" she told me "well-" she cut me off again. "My quirk can heal him but he'd be to exhausted by the end of the session so I think it's best you do it there is no point in fighting over it after each session make a summary on his recovery and return it to me when it's done" she said then proceeded to leave. 'are you serious? I have to kiss aizawa everyday to help him recover!?' the thought alone had me uneasy. I get to kiss aizawa again! The idea had me anxious and excited.

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