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"today's training will be a little different.... You'll have three instructor's me, almight and another facility member will be keeping tabs on you" the whole class sounded surprised. "Sir what kind of training is this" Mr wannabe spider Man asked. "Resue, you'll be dealing with natural disasters, ship wrecks stuff like that" aizawa answered. The class got excited and started talking. "Guys I'm not finished yet" the class instantly shut up. He gave us the option of bringing or hero costume or our uniform. I'm going with my uniform my costume hasn't been finished just yet. He left soon after he finished. I went to change in the girls locker room. Mina stood close by "why aren't you wearing your costume?" She asked as I looked at her "um it's not finished yet I sent in my design super late I'm just waiting on the support company for now" I told her she seemed to understand and continued changing. We all left the locker room and headed outside. Mina walked next to me "what's your quirk anyway? I haven't seen you use it" mina said. "Oh uh Its my mom's quirk" I said. "What's your mom's quirk?" She asked. "Well she was a succubus she was a pro Hero" I said as mina grabbed my hand "your mom was pro Hero lilineth? I'm sorry for your lost" she rubbed my arm as to sooth me. "It's fine" I said as she looked at me "so does that mean you also have the ability to heal like your mom?" She asked. "Yes but the only way to heal anyone else is I kiss them mouth to mouth I have other abilities to" I said as I pointed at my lips. "Oh wow!" She seemed excited "have you ever used it?" She asked. "No actually I've never been kissed before you see I'm still pure and I only get energy from any physical interaction" I explained.

    As we walked out iida told everyone to get on the bus in numerical order I was the last one so there wasn't any seats left so I sat down next to Mr. Aizawa. The students talked and talked but all I saw was aizawa dozing off as he leaned his head on the window.

    Once we made it the bus came to a stop causing him to wake up and stand. We all started getting off the bus and greeting our other instructor thirteen. Deku was completely fan boying as we all went in and Aizawa was cut off by a warp gate opening. "Wow is the training starting?" Kirishima asked. "No! These are villians!" Aizawa yelled. My heart stopped 'are we being attacked?' I couldn't hear what was happening it was just like when I froze after I found out my mom died. Mina threw me on the floor with thirteen. There was a huge warp but I wasn't caught in it because of mina. All the students disappeared except for a few.

Hero costume ideas? I need to work on a costume so please give me some ideas.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now