Laughing Fit

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After a while katsuki came back and laid on the couch laying his head on top of my thighs. I was flustered and slowly my hand made it's way up to his hair slowly messaging his head as his blonde hair danced between my fingers. I felt tired more exhausted and I tried to continue to watch the movie being played on the screen but I eventually dozed off. After a few minutes katsuki nudged my shoulder causing me to wake up drunk asleep. "Go to bed" he told me as he slowly stood up seeing how drunk asleep I was right by his side as he held me by my shoulders and i leaned on him for support. Once he laid me on the bed from how drunk asleep I was, I pulled him down with me and I lifted the covers to cover ourselves.

After a few minutes from waking up I looked at the clock it was 10:27pm I sat on my bed and started thinking. 'Did I mean nothing?' I asked myself. 'history of course they had history we never said we were a thing stop being stupid' I fisted the sheets. 'i need air' I told myself as I walked to put on sweats and walked out silently. Leaving katsuki alone in bed. The cool night air passed through my skin as I hugged myself. Tears slipped my eyes as I wiped my tears with my hand and continued walking then eventually being pulled in an alleyway. Without thinking I flipped my attacker with his hand twisted as I pinned him on the wall and the street lights showed a tall leaned body. His face became clearer it was aizawa. He sighed in relief as I finally let go of his arm. "Present mic wasn't kidding when he said your reaction time was good" he said messaging his arm. "Mr. Aizawa what are you doing here?" I asked causing him to frown because I called him another name rather than shota. "Y/n" he said as he walked closer and I took a step back. "We have nothing to talk about if that's what You're here for" I said as I turned to walk back in to have my wrist caught. I turned back around to face him his eyebrows softened ad he was about to speak. "Y/n!" I heard someone yell not to close but a good distance behind me. Explosions were heard as I turned around and saw katsuki standing infront of the alleyway. "Y/n there you are" katsuki said as I saw how his chest fell up and down from out of breath he was. "Don't worry me like that... You were supposed to be in bed with me" he said walking my way not before glaring at Aizawa. Aizawa let go of my hand "bed? With him?" He whispered as he looked at me. I didn't turn back as I continued to walk away with katsuki pulling me away.

When I woke up I was trapped in a pair of arms I instantly kicked the person off not before punching them cold in the stomach. I peaked from my bed to find katsuki holding his stomach. "Oh my God I'm so sorry! I forgot you were sleeping with me" I said as I jumped off the bed and activated my quirk as my eyes glowed green and I pulled him to close  (Y/n can heal aizawa with her palm only because DNA  was shared between 48 hours but after that the DNA is forgotten) His eyes were wide and his face flushed as he pulled away causing me to disactivate my quirk and causing himself to injure himself on my drawer by my bed. I winced closing my eyes as I heard the thud. I looked up to see him holding his head in pain. I laughed so hard I fell on my back as my stomach started to hurt from how hard I had been laughing. I didn't See that katsuki had smiled just seeing me die of laughter. I sat back up as I wiped the tears of laughter away. I held my stomach as I tried to calm myself only to laugh again just looking at katsuki.

I eventually calmed down as I looked at him with a smile as I couldn't control a serious face wasn't showing up any time soon. "Are you done yet?" He asked as I covered my mouth before I laughed again. I nodded slowly. "Are you still hurt?" I asked as he looked somewhere else. "Of course not I'm perfectly fine" he said as he scratched his neck. "I'm sorry" I said as I stood up and stretched before I helped him up. "That was quite the wake up call I'll tell you that" I said. "I'm still sorry" I said then looked at the clock. "We are going to be late!" I said as I hurriedly ran to my bathroom and changed into my uniform. I went back out as I saw katsuki fixing his blazer. He held me in his arms as he ran to school. We made it at the sound of the bell as he slid open the door. Everyone faced us as katsuki dropped me to the floor causing the class to laugh. I fell on my ass I saw Aizawa walking my way I quickly got up. Katsuki walked to his seat as I made my way to my seat to. That's when I noticed it was quieter  than usual I didn't hear people's thoughts. I furrowed my eyebrows In confusion. This wasn't adding up. I raised my hand "can I be excused?" I asked not waiting for a response I made my way to recovery girl with my bag.

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