Unread Messages

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The last day of my internship I went back home with shota. I got my phone back from midnight as I turned the screen on and saw unread messages. one message from sir night eye and tensei.
Night eye: Last week
Why is the iida family looking for you? Are you not going home? Did something happen?

I shook my head even in messages he was starting to lecture me.

Me: today
That place was never my home and everything is fine...

I replied late only because shota gave me my phone back my phone. Night eye replied a few seconds later.

Night eye:
I have the right to take care of you and I could talk to your father if you want afterall before your mother passed away I signed adoption papers and we were going to take them to the court to have your father sign but that day never came... Where are you staying at?

I read the message again. He signed adoption papers for me and his barely telling me this now!? I took deep breaths before I responded.

Me: I'm staying with my boyfriend

I said and in a few minutes I got a message again.

Night eye:
That's right Mr. Aizawa and you are in a relationship I forgot well if you need help I'm always here remember that and we need to chat in person I need to tell you some things about your quirk

He said as I looked at the screen then I rolled my eyes. He used his damn foresight on me.

I will thank you! And I'll see when I can go to your agency to have a chat

And with that I went to tensei's message.

Tensei: last week
Y/n where are you? I heard what happened and I can tell you dad really regrets doing what he did. Me and Dad are worried about you. Come home.

I only believe that you're worried about me and not him look Tensei I look to you as a big brother but being slapped in the face by both parents one for vengeance and other for not hearing the other side of the story or even asking me what Happened isn't my ideal family... I think I'm better off not going 'home' at all... Anyway how are you doing? Are you feeling any better?

I sent the paragraph and received a reply fast

I'm better, they stabilized me enough to use a wheel chair and I'll be discharged soon I think. Are you staying with someone? Mom is here with me and I can keep her here for a while so you can grab your clothes if you need them I don't know where dad is currently though

I smiled at the text Tensei was helping me even if he was hurt.

Thank you and I am staying with Mr. Aizawa for the moment I think i will go and pick up my stuff later on today I hope you have speedy recovery

With that I turned off my phone and looked up to see aizawa leaning on a wall. "You seem to be in a better mood now that youre home" he said as he walked my way. "Well I mean can you blame me?" I asked as he held me by my waist. "Tomorrow we have school and I want to go pick up some of my stuff at my dad's place if that's alright with you?" I asked as he nodded. "Do you need my help?" He asked as I shook my head. "I will only grab my mom's journals and my clothes which is all I really have there now that I think about it...." I said as it turned quiet "I'm sure I can handle it I will grab a taxi" I said as he nodded. "Alright text me when you're back outside the apartment so I can help unpack" he said before he kissed my forehead and let me leave.

Once I got out the taxi I told him to wait and he did as I went inside the house and into my room. When I entered my room to grab the boxes two figures stood in my room. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

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