Your First Time

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He stood infront of me as I looked at him his face expressed something I couldn't explain. "What are you doing here?" I asked as he walked closer to me. "I need you to listen" he said as I closed the door leaning my back into it before I crossed my arms my emotions played everywhere as my heart beat faster by the second. 'Listen to what exactly? i need to know and once he says what he wants, his out the door' I told myself as I fought the tears that wanted to escape. I gave him a quick nod as he approached me. "It wasn't what you think Ms. Joke is an old acquintance of mine and her personality is somewhat flirtatious towards me" he said as he finally met my eyes. I stayed quite for a moment. "She had her hands around you" I hissed as I glared at him before I looked somewhere else avoiding to look at him as I bit my bottom lip. Before he could answer I was pushed off the door as it opened to reveal katsuki. I stood in the kitchen with aizawa a few inches away from me.

Katsuki looked confused as he dropped his bag down by the door. "What's going on around here?" He asked as he approached the both of us. "It was aizawa talking about his healing process" I said as aizawa nodded and I looked at katsuki as he shoved his hands in his pants the scent of caramel strong as he stood by me.

"*Clears throat* I'll talk to you at school" aizawa said as he left the apartment from katsuki's presence. I didn't say anything back as I closed the door after him. 'so many unanswered questions' I said to myself as I turned back to see katsuki sitting on the counter top. "How was training with kirishima?" I questioned as he shrugged as he said "he is no competion for me I'll tell you that" . "Why did you leave class?" He questioned as I went into the covered to look for another snack. "I had things to do more like find out more about my power" I said as closed the covers with the snack in my hand. "Do you remember your one night fling with an old classmate last year?" I questioned as katsuki turned stuff and blushed like crazy. "Ho-" I cut him off. "Do you seriously think I wouldn't see the cocky bastard you suddenly turned into last year? You know me better than that" I said as I stood infront of him. "Y/n I can explain-" he said as I looked up to him "I'm not mad if that's what your implying katsuki your you're own person you can make your own decisions" I said with a sigh as katsuki hopped off the counter "I just wanted to talk to you about your first time" I said as I looked at him. He seemed to be breathing heavy as his chest rose up and down fast. Maybe he was angry? But why?

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