I woke up the next morning and began to get ready. Once my toast was out of the toaster I put (jam/cream cheese) and left with my bag in hand. I tried making my way threw the crowd of reporter's but I had no luck until I was picked up by my waist and the crowd split in two. I was put down and I was infront of Aizawa. "Get inside Iida" he said as I was smothered by reporter's trying to get to know my story and my mom's affair. He quickly picked me up again and left with me in his grip. "Hey!" I said not expecting to be picked up again. "Your going to be late" he said "so are you I mean this is your job" I said as folded my arms. "I could be late I have an excuse" he said "I do to! You saw what happened" I pouted "did i?" He teased. "Hey! Don't mess with me like that Mr. Aizawa" I said as he finally put me down. "Where were you yesterday?" He asked as he crossed his arms. "I was at my house" I said as he looked into my eyes closely. "Fine the truth was Tensei mine and tenya's brother stopped by to introduce himself to me and he wanted to get to know me" I said as he slightly smiled but hid it before I could see. "I'll let it pass only this time now get to class you have 10 seconds before the late bell rings" he said as I dashed into the Hall and into the class. I wasn't fast enough because the bell already rung as I was infront of the door. I opened it to reveal Mr. Aizawa infront of the class. "What the hell!" I looked around for any trap door or something that he managed to beat me into the class. "You're late" he said as I furrowed my eyebrows and went to my seat. Katsuki chuckled infront of me clearly laughing at me. I pulled on his hair with a tug making him bang his fist on his table and make deku screech from katsuki sitting behind him. Katsuki turned to me as I folded my arms and stuck my tongue out at him. "You litt-" he was cut off as aizawa stood infront the both of us. "Tone it down you two I don't get payed enough for this" he walked towards his desk and prompt his hands on the table folding his fingers together. "Whatever" katsuki turned around as I had my sight fixated on Aizawa. After the lesson the bell rung to notify that it's lunch. I hung out with Katsuki and Kirishima and mina followed me into the group. I sat next to katsuki during the whole lunch period. After I finished eating I took his hand and slung it across my shoulder as I rested my head under his chin. To observe energy "you know you guys look like a power couple right?" Mina asked I heard katsuki stop breathing. "No! Why would I date weakling like her at the most her looks do her no good I mean look!" I was stunned by his response 'was I really that ugly?' I detached his arm from me and walked away. It's not like I cared being called ugly but from katsuki my best friend and the one person who knew how extremely insecure I was it hurt. Katsuki tried catching up with me before I left the table but I was to fast. I walked into the hallway just heading back to class as I knocked and no one answered I went in seeing aizawa on the floor with his yellow sleeping bag and I walked to my desk. I began doing the assignments aizawa assigned all of us to do early and finished in moments time. I laid my forehead on my desk as my arms covered the sun from my eyes.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)
RomanceEnjoy the story! Stay for the plot and mix emotions you'll feel while reading this...