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He set the phone down slowly. Mina came back a few minutes later but soon saw the atmosphere that was tense in the group. I was saved by the Bell as mina took a hold of her phone and my hand and we ran to class. We entered the class panting as I sat in my seat. Katsuki came in not uttering a word to me or giving me a slight glance what so ever.

  We soon started getting ready for the end of the day. I packed my backpack and stood up ready to leave. The bell rang and I was about to walk when katsuki held me and walked with me side my side as he had his hand on my waist. We left the school grounds not noticing that aizawa kept looking at us with a glare from a far through the windows.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he stopped and stood infront of me. "It never came up" i said as he walked to me "I'm supposed to be your best friend and you can't tell me you kissed someone?!" He yelled as I flinch. "Katsuki I'm sorry it was to save him" i said to him as he turned away. "Katsuki..." I said as he looked back at me. "Am I nobody to you?" He asked as his voice slightly cracked. "I didn't know where you went after your mom died do you know how worried I was? I feel like I'm not as important to you anymore" he said as I quickly hugged him "that's not true! Katsuki your important to me I'm sorry" I said as I held onto him for dear life. He held me by my waist. "When my mom died I didn't want to face anyone especially you after I found out I had a father that used my mom I was embarrassed and thought you'd judge me but that's not the case anymore" i said as he lifted my chin and I saw slight smile. He leaned his head on my shoulder. We stayed in the position for a while and went out for ice cream before he left and I started walking to Aizawas apartment.

I took longer than usual because I didn't want to face aizawa just yet. I stood infront of the door and took a breathe as I twisted the key in and I went in and set my bag down. I walked to Aizawas room. There I saw him undoing his bandages. I quickly turned around and covered my face as I heard a chuckle. "Y/n I might need some help" he said as I inhaled and exhaled before I went into the room "of course you do" I said in a whisper. He stood in grey sweats and no shirt "where did you go after school?" He asked making small talk. "Katsuki took me out to get ice cream" I said as I saw his perfectly shaped abs. It took so much self control to not pounce on him and have him right now but I couldn't do that and I reminded myself not to do it. He stayed quite as he lifted his hands as my hands went around his waist as I started putting on new bandages.

  He sat down to make it easier for me as I wrapped it around his shoulders and arms. I lifted my knee to be on the bed for support and continued on my work. I was about to finish when he pulled my legs closer to straddle his hips on the bed. He looked at me and in his eyes I saw what seemed to be need. He held my waist as he pulled me closer into a kiss. I was trying to push back but I couldn't I completely melted in his touch once again. I just wanted to get closer.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now