When I'm Gone

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I turned to see the Blondie from agency. "What do you want?" I asked as he smiled again. "Your pro heroes lilineth's daughter right?" He asked as I nodded. "I knew about your mom and Sir night eye..... and I can tell you this he truly loved your mom and he begged her not to go to the mission.... I knew your mom well enough to know she loved him to and she would tell me she wanted to tell you but she was scared you wouldn't except him since it's always been you and her" he looked down. "She dedicated a whole diary for you in each occasion with my help you have one about your powers, first break up, getting around the ropes with agencies, and one for marriage and other's.... Whatever she couldn't say to you she wrote them in paper" he said I didn't even notice he was right infront of me just by a few inches I turned my head as I looked away still stubborn. He took the box in his hands. "Oh I'm Mirio Togata third year in UA by the way" he said as I continued walking. "I'm y/n Iida and I'm a first year" I told him back as we both walked to my apartment from then on having occasional small talk.

Once we made it I opened the door as he left the box on the kitchen counter. "Here you go!" He said as he turned back to me. "Thank you alot Mirio" I said as I managed to smile only a little. "It's fine and find me whenever you need some help okay?" He said as he patted my shoulder and waved bye before he left.

After he left I took the box to the living room and sat on the floor as I pulled out diaries one by one. Reading there labels. Powers. Heartbreak. Marriage. Kids. And a title that peaked my interest more. For when I'm gone. I sat up on the couch as I held the diary in my lap and opened to the first page. There was a photo glued on of my mom and Sir nighteye but this was when they were younger holding me. And the other page had a picture of my mom and my father. I turned to the next page.

Dear y/n,

I might be dead by the time you read this but I truly am sorry. I knew what would happen to me after the mission but as long as I saved those people I'd die knowing I did it. I didn't want to change the future and be selfish not to leave because a much more crueler fate would come. Also my darling I'm so sorry about the fight we had and you might be blaming yourself because we never got to say goodbye and thought it'd be best to leave some space for you to calm down. I'm sorry I wasn't a great mother but I tried to be. There isn't a book that tells you to be the world's perfect mom. Don't blame yourself for the fight we had we've had them in the past to but I'm sorry I couldn't vocally tell you this. I know you might blame Sasaki Mirai but it's not his fault he told me of my fate. I'm sorry I won't be there for you anymore physically but I am always watching over the two of you now. I wanted to tell you to keep that smile of yours it's the best thing that's going to let you move on. My little girl you aren't so little any more and you might hate me because I never told you who your father was. I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did. Mirai was my first love yes ever since Highschool but then came your father and I was so blinded by his words and love. I didn't know I was tearing apart a family not until I saw him with his wife and I've done my best to ignore him and his please ever since. The only thing I do thank him for is giving you to me. After a few months looking for jobs I met Mirai again and he helped me out. He took you in as his own daughter and when you were still young you called him dad once. His face was priceless but I knew keeping him and me a secret wasn't good for any of us. That was my mistake. No one is perfect though right? I love you y/n don't worry I'll look after you from now on. Before anything I told Mirai to look into your future and I saw how you would grow up to be and I was left with peace not regretting what I did I am proud of you.
                                              From Mom
           P.s. Your going to be a great hero

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