Did you go out fishing?

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"ugh your immature" I stood up wet from head to toe. "Look I'm sorry" he said not looking at me. "For what exactly? Dropping me in water or
Clearly making me more insecure than I already am?" I dried my hair by pulling it to the side and turning it. The water fell back in the pond. "For both" he said looking at me. "Well it was unnecessary for any of the things you just did because your actions clearly don't show it" i said he took a deep breath and took my hand. "Hey! Wait!" I yelled as he kept pulling. It looks totally normal a women wet teenage girl pulled by a completely dry teenage boy. I was super uncomfortable I mean walking in wet socks was just gross. "Katsuki! Where are you taking me now?!" I asked as he stayed silent. I sighed and gave up on trying to protest. We stood infront of his house as he opened the front door and ran upstairs and came back down as he threw three towel my way then headed into the kitchen. I sat at the table as I covered my body with the towel. He opened the fridge and pulled out meat and veggies as he loosened his tie and washed everything. He began turning on the stove and diving into whatever he was making. It was quiet. It wasn't awkward it was a comfortable quiet. A few moments later he set two dishes filled with rice and curry on the table one for him and me. I giggled. "What are you laughing at!" He yelled as he turned his head. "I accept your apology katsuki and thank you " I told him as I dug into the curry and rice. He slightly smiled and ate to.

After I finished my food I cleaned the kitchen and headed to the front door.5:30 pm I looked at the screen on my phone and quickly turned it off. "I'll see you tomorrow katsuki" I said as I closed the door and headed home. I still wasn't dry neither where my clothes. I walked a few blocks not getting any closer to my apartment. I grunted in frustration as the uncomfortable feeling of having wet socks bothered me. "Did you go out fishing? " a low chuckle was heard. I turned around and crossed my arms "no actually katsuki threw me in a pond just to talk to him" I said as I looked up to see aizawa in his apartment window. "Wait there" he disappeared and came back "Here" he threw a hoodie and sandals rolled into a ball. I caught it and  unrolled it. I quickly put the hoodie on and sat on the steps to put my shoes and socks in my bag. "Thank you! Mr.Aizawa" I said.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now