A Quickie

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I turned on the screen as the caller ID showed Tensei was calling me. I swiped the green button as I leaned the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked through the phone "Hey! Y/n how's it going with the healing session with aizawa? Don't over use your power" he said as I slapped my forehead as I became nervous. "Mr. Aizawa is getting better all thanks to me and my power how are you doing tensei did you finish the files?" I asked "yeah I did I'll pick up some food for us before I pick you up make sure you have your phone on you at all times" Tensei said as I let out a sigh "yes understood" I said as I heard a chuckle from the other side of the phone "okay bye then" he said "bye" then we both hung up. I wrapped my hands around aizawas neck as I leaned my forehead against his. "Looks like I'll be leaving soon" I said as he closed his arms setting his hands on my waist. I held his face in my hands as pecked his lips and continued to peck them. He only took the pecks I gave him and gave me a warm smile. He opened his eyes again with a smirk as he through me and him on the bed as he leaned on top of me. "Shota do you want a quickie?" I asked as I bursted out laughing when his  smirk disappeared and a visible blush showed. "Don't tease me y/n" he said as he buried his face on my neck. He lightly bit my neck as I let out a gasp while arching my back. He chuckled against my skin. "You're really sensitive~" he purred as he held my body down. He left a trail of kisses that reached my collar bone. He left me breathless as my whole body burned in his touch. "A quickie it is then~" I said as I switched positions and straddled him. He just smirked from under me as he saw my dominant side.

I began to change again as I was about to pull my shirt over my body again I was pulled into the sheets smothered in kisses. I let out a giggle as shota's stubble tickled my skin. "I wish I could heal faster to give you even more pleasure and give you my best" he said as my breathe hitched a bit as I became flustered. 'Was that not his best!?' I asked myself as I leaned my head to his lips and kissed him. "Thank you" he whispered against my lips as I looked into his eyes. "For what?" I asked as he held my face with one of his hands. "For being with me" he said as he rested his head on my forehead. "That's-" I was cut off as a knock came from the front door. "Shit" we both said as he stood up from the sheets as he dressed himself again as I slipped the shirt over my shoulders and fixed my hair. I went out to the front door as I opened it to reveal Tensei holding food. "Well when I was grabbing food I remembered Mr. Aizawa was in bad condition to even cook so I brought some food over" my brother said as I stepped to the side. 'Bad condition my ass his an animal' I told myself as I rubbed my back. My brother set the food on the square table as he stood up. Aizawa came out the bed room as he closed the door behind him and made his way to Tensei and they both greeted eachother and sat down at the table sitting across from eachother. I did to as I sat at the at the edge as we all dug into the food. As I tried acting casual and not trying to think of what me and shota did a couple minutes ago I kept my head down as I ate. I felt Aizawa's hand rest on my knee as I tried not choking on my food from how bold this actually was. Aizawa didn't look fazed and didn't act weird in the slightest as he cracked jokes with my brother and talked about hero work. Once we all finished we cleaned up and left. My brother left first as I was about to leave the apartment I was pulled back by aizawa and given back his hoodie and sandals before he stole a quick kiss before letting me leave.

The car ride back was just as casual as when we got here. I took a shower once I got home and headed to bed.i was still covered in his scent as if he was still around me. I hid my face in my pillow as I later drifted off to sleep.

The next couple of days were busy with training by myself and going over with aizawa and only healing him as Tensei would come back early from his agency with food or present mic ruining the mood. Then came U.A.'s Sports Festival.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now