What's Holding Me Back!?

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Still aizawa wasn't very happy that I left without giving him any sort of relief. I promised him I'd be back home as fast as possible after I finished. I made my way to night eyes agency I looked at the female at the front desks as they trembled at the sight of me. Right the last time I was here I was furious at him and picked a fight. I walked up to them as they looked scared. "Hey is Sir Night Eye here?" I asked as they were going to answer another voice interrupted it was mirio's head at the desk popping off. It scared the ladies to the point they stood from there seats and ran away. "Hey y/n I didn't know you'd be here" he said still from the receptionist desk. I just shook my head and giggled. "Nice to see you to Golden boy so is Sir here?" I asked as Mirio morphed from the desk. He was naked I quickly covered my eyes as he quickly ran behind the desk. "Y/n my clothes are right behind you can you get them?" He asked as I did hand them over.

"Well that was embarrassing" he said as he zipped up his pants with a smile. "Let's get going Sir doesn't like waiting" he said as I nodded and followed after him.

We made it to night eyes office before we walked in we knocked three times before we heard a faint 'Come in' and opened the door Mirio left soon after with the door closed behind him. Night Eye stood in the middle of the room as he smiled slightly at my appearance and hugged me. "You've been through alot" he whispered as he caressed my head. I inhaled his scent as I tugged at his suit. After we pulled apart he sat me down. "How was the internship?" He asked as I gave him a 'really' look he chuckled. "It's one thing to see and another to hear it from you" he said as I pouted. I did explain everything about my internship and there was no use in lying about meeting tomura since he already saw it. "I just didn't understand how I managed to get to that point of exhaustion..." I finished saying as he looked at me.

"Your a succubus just like your mom and just like her now your extremely vulnerable not only if you don't have any sexual interaction from a lover will you not only turn exhausted but if you don't take care of your needs properly with intercourse you will be in heat at random times... When that happened with your mom I would always have to take her somewhere to help restore energy before a mission or if she became heated and begged for a release I would have to touch her wings much to my surprise she said that touching her wings was better than intercourse on her part..." night eye said as I looked away shyly. 'well ain't that the truth' I told myself as I remembered aizawa touching my wings gently the other day. "Your mother usually had no control to restrain from not excepting any sort of contact even when she was exhausted in those times  but it seems like you do which is odd..." He said as he started thinking. We continued discussing about my power before I looked up at the clock to see it was 1:00 pm I spent 4 hours just talking with night eye."Looks like we need to talk another time me and Mirio need to patrol right now" night eye said as I nodded. "Also y/n I know Shota is a great guy for you and you have to trust him because he would never want to hurt you trust me I had to find out when I saw your future" he said as he tapped at his head as I chuckled and nodded. We both parted with a hug as we both walked our separate ways.

I walked back home as my thoughts began to surface. I never told shota I loved him but he always had and still does. I didn't get what was holding me back from saying it... His proven to me his love is genuine more than enough times. Was I scared that he would leave me after I say it? That wouldn't be right he practically kisses the ground I walk on.

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