Go Home Then

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It was tenya and my father. "Y/n thank goodness you're here" he said as he tried walking towards me I took a step back and he noticed. Guilt and regret were clearly written on his face. "Y/n I'm so sorry for what happened" he said as I glared. "Who told you I was going to be here?" I asked as the two men looked nervous. "We were in the room when Tensei was messaging you" tenya said as I rolled my eyes. Of course this was a scheme. I began to pick up my boxes and started filling them up with my mom's journals. "Y/n please don't leave" my dad said as I ignored him. "What can I do to make you forgive me?" He asked as I closed the box. "How about getting out of my life? I've lived 16 years without knowing who my father was and I was fine then so why wouldn't I be fine now" I said as I carried the box down stairs into the taxi. They stayed in my room shocked at my sudden rage tenya remembered it from last times. Once I got back I filled the other two boxes with my clothes. "You don't mean that please y/n you know I can't-" I cut him off. "I wasn't wanted in the beginning and I can have sir night eye take you to court to officially adopt me" I said as they both took a step back. "What do you mean?" He asked "Before my mom died she and sir night eye signed adoption papers for my custody I recently learned that but the court didn't approve it because you need to write down your consent and well I was kept a secret from you so that would have gone in your favor" I said as I lifted the box only to have it pushed back down. "Please No don't go y/n you're my daughter and I should have trusted you" my dad said as hot tears fell from his face. "Tenya also told me of the hard ships you had to endure from his mom... Y/n please stay home" he said as I looked away. "I considered this my home" I said. "I don't want to get in between your family-" I was cut off by tenya. "You are our family!" He yelled as I looked at him shocked. He always told me I wasn't and suddenly I am? I was confused at the sudden attitude change.

"Thank you but I can't stay here this isn't my home" I said as tenya looked at me. "Where is home then?" He asked as I looked at him. "With shota" I said as he looked shocked but he gave me a smile. "Go home then" he said as I nodded I hugged them both good bye. "Come over when Tensei is discharged" my dad said as I nodded before leaving and picking up the last box and entered the taxi to finally go home.

Once I text aizawa I was outside he went in the taxi and grabbed my boxes as I payed for the ride and left inside. "What Happened here?" I asked as I saw a bunch of black bags around the apartment. "Well I figured since you would move in id might as well clean up and throw and donate some stuff away to free up space" he said as he scratched the back of his head nervously. I went up to him and brought him down for a kiss. "Thank you" I said as I kissed him again.

As we opened the boxes and began to unpack I opened a drawer and sure enough there was space for my clothes and his to fit into the drawer. We finished soon after we put all of my mom's journals on the self's in the living room. I looked around the house as shota had the black bags in hand. "I'll be back" he said as I nodded and looked around the kitchen thinking about at least making something for him. Even if my culinary skills were lacking. I decided I'd make (everything edible you can make) *I can only do frijoles what can you guys cook?* before he came back I set up the table.

The door opened as he came into the kitchen wrapping himself around my figure. "Smells good" he mumbled as I turned to him. "Well this is the only thing edible I can make usually katsuki cooks to avoid me burning down the kitchen even my mom kept me out the kitchen to. He chuckled "well I'll show you how to cook then" he said as he nuzzled his head against my neck giving me butterfly kisses causing me to giggle at how his stubble would tickle my neck. "That'd be great" I said as I turn off the stove and began serve the food in plates setting them on the table.

After dinner we both took a shower and tried our best keeping our hands to ourselves which was difficult I mean shota did have an amazing body I could play with the whole day. Once we got out the shower I saw that he laid out the shirt he wore the whole day by the sink for me as I took it and put it on while leaving to the bedroom. He cuddled close to me the whole night.

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