My Mother's Lover

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There I stood infront of the agency as I clenched my fist as my nails dug into my skin Remembering An old diary picture that showed my mother when she was younger with a young pro hero I knew far to well. It made me sick to my stomach as I Walt's right in the agency.

  I walked in the agency ignoring the protest of others as I walked up the stairs and made it to an office I knew to well. I opened the door and saw him slouched in a chair. "You Knew!" I screamed as he shot right up holding a frame. "You knew she was going to die! Why did you send her to that stupid mission!?" I asked as tears slipped my cheeks 'if I knew back then would I have asked it the same back then in her funeral?' I asked myself "Y/n calm down" he said as he laid a picture down carefully. I saw who it was it was my mother's picture. "No because you fucking knew what was going to happen to her and you let her go You knew!!" I yelled as he waved off the staff as they closed the door. "Let me explain" he said calmly. "Your mother..." He paused as he looked at me. "I loved her" he whispered as I gritted my teeth as a low growl escaped. "If you did you wouldn't have let her go" I hissed. He sighed and walked back to his desk and opened a cabinet and set a box filled with diaries"I tried to" he said barely above a whisper. "She left these for you before she went to the mission she made me promise her to give it to you but I was hesitant I told her the mission was her death but she smiled and said she needed to do it for the people and for you so you can look up to her" he said. Tears fell from my eyes as I looked at him.  "I tried stopping her but she was stubborn and left that night" he said as I glared at him. "Your a coward" I hissed as the door opened revealing a blonde guy. He looked serious then smiled and tried making his way to me and sir Night eye. "You didn't love my mom because you would have fought harder to keep her here" I went up to the desk as I took the box and walked out his agency.

As I walked back to my house I entered an alleyway. "I know your behind me" I said not looking behind me. The footsteps halted as I slowly turned around.

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