Help Please

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I was saved by the Bell as mina clung onto my side and we walked to class. I released a sigh of relief when I was far away from the fire work mina giggled at what I did. When we opened the classroom we sat at our desk. As the lesson began again. I didn't have the heart to play with anyone's thoughts as I was fighting my own to begin with. The rest of the day went by quick as the bell rung and mina was by my side. "Let's go!" She yelled as I looked at her in confusion. "Where exactly are we going?" I asked as katsuki stood by my side. "We are going to the arcade duhh" she said as I sighed knowing I had no say in this. I slipped on my backpack as it caught some of my hair. I was about to fix it when katsuki already did. His hands felt like they stayed on my shoulders but that wasn't true he took off his hands quickly and shoved them in his pants.

We walked out soon after and
Made it into the train. Mina sat in a seat with kirishima as I stood by the window as bakugo stood next to me. 'help please someone help please look over here' I heard a girl's voice as I looked around and sure enough there stood a girl tears streaming down her face as behind her was a man with his hands under the girls skirt. I walked that way as katsuki followed close behind. "Men like you make me sick!" I yelled as I pulled the girl to me and the guy looked furious. "Mind your own business!" He said as he was about to hit me but bakugo didn't let that happen he used his quirk on the guy to push him back. Mina ran up to us as she held onto the girl. The man stood back up his whole body turned into flames I guessed his quirk was fire. The train was put to a stop as all the passengers ran out. "Cover your eyes!" I said to kirishima, bakugo, the girl and mina. To which they did and I activated my quirk. He stood still for a second as his knees bucked. He cooled down once I gave him a scenario into his mind and the police finally showed up. I disactivated my quirk and walked to one of the officers who was writing the incident down. "Thank you for helping the girl out" he said with a killer smile I blushed surprisingly. "Oh um-" I was at a loss for words. "It was nothing really" I finally said as he chuckled. "Can I get your name for the report?" He asked as I nodded. "it's Y/n Iida" I said as he nodded and wrote it down. "Well we are going back to the station and we might need to contact you for further questions that may be asked is that fine?" He asked as I nodded again and bakugo walked and put his hands on my waist. "I'll see you sometime then" he said as he walked away winking with a low growl coming from bakugo. Mina came up to me and indulged me in another hug. "So your flirting with the cop now are we?" She teased as bakugo walked by my side. "No he was just being nice" I said as she elbowed me and we walked out the train station.

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