Jealous Already?

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The next morning me and shota began to get prepare for school
"To bad your all healed up now all the girls will thirst over you" I said as I finished buttoning up my blazer. He pulled me by my waist as he brought me in for a kiss "you're jealous already? We haven't made it out of the house yet" he teased before he kissed me again. It was cloudy so shota brought an umbrella for the both of us as we walked to school. "You never told me how you managed to beat me into the classroom that one time so how did you do it?" I asked as he smirked. "Yeah like I am going to tell you" he teased as I gasped at how he teased me. We stood infront of the school as I saw mina I quickly said bye to Aizawa and walked to her as we walked into the classroom. "I called you but you didn't answer" mina said as I felt around my skirt for my phone. "My bad I think aizawa still has it" I said as she smirked. "Oh?" She said as I bumped her shoulders playfully. 'Just what did she do to have her phone taken from her?' she asked in a devious voice in her head as I chuckled at Mina's thoughts. We went inside the class room and made it to our seats. We saw tenya enter as he walked his way to me. "Y/n I'm sorry I shouldnt have left you there I heard everything and I was a cowar-" I cut him off "just leave me alone" I hissed as he looked taken back. "Y/n" he whispered but mina was by my side. "She said leave her alone" she said as stood infront of him. Mina didn't know what happened but she definitely saw I didn't want to talk to tenya. Tenya got the hint and went back to his seat. After that aizawa
Slid the door open. "morning" he said as the whole class said the same thing back. "Mr. Aizawa you don't have bandages anymore that's good news"
Asui said as I became flustered. Mina tried her best not to laugh at how red and embarrassed I was. "Yeah I sure healed up quite quickly over these past two days" he said with a smirk as I set my head down no longer taking in how much he teased. "Anyway we have a big class today hero informatics" he said as everyone got a chill within there bones and there thoughts became insanely loud. I covered my ears and tried to calm down. Less then a few hours ago I had intercourse so getting used to hearing things would be a problem. Shota noticed how uncomfortable I became so he spoke up to clear everyone's heads "you need code names time to pick your hero identities" he said as the class became louder I squeezed my ears and Aizawa Activated his quirk as he stared at me. I didn't hear the voices any more and the whole class noticed he used his quirk on me. Everyone was questioning about happened and instantly shut up as he stopped using his quirk on me. "Let me finish" he said as the class payed attention to him once again as there minds became stable. 'Thank youand I'm sorry I made you use your quirk on me' I sent to Aizawa as he gave me a small smile. 'I should be the one apologising I made them unstable I should have been clearer' aizawa sent back as I shook my head and he began to explain what we were going to do today. He then showed on the board who got offers.

Then midnight came inside the class talking about hero names. Aizawa quickly pulled out his sleeping bag and sat down against the classroom wall falling asleep as midnight walking around the classroom. "So darling are you interning with me?" Midnight asked as she bent down to be face level. "Oh uh yeah sure" I said as she got excited and pulled me towards her chest. "That great~" she said as I pulled away not to long after. There was one voice louder than the others yelling pervish things as I glared at mineta. "Now students who among you are ready to share?" She asked. Everyone then began to share out there hero names living me last. I walked to the front as I had my hero name in bold letters "LILITH" everyone soon understood why I chose this name as midnight except it and I sat back down in my seat.

After we finished discussing names aizawa turned in the papers with internships on them. All of the students picked internships and the lunch bell rung. As we all
Began to leave tenya walked up to me "Tensei asked about you he keeps asking about you and so does da-" I cut him off. "He isn't my father because he would of listened to my side of the story-" he cut me off "He is! Y/n please come home" tenya said "That was never my home" I hissed before I walked away. Katsuki, Kirishima, Mina, and I all walked to the cafeteria and ate lunch as I got worried looks from all of them. I set my utensils down with a sigh. "Fine you guys seem to be curious on what Happened so I'll tell you" I said as I began to explain the story to them.

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