It Was My Favorite Hug

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"you saw how strong my quirk really is Mr. Aizawa do I have to?" I asked him with my arms crossed. Everyone around us gave me off looks. I looked around and I saw my brother tenya 'Shit his in my class!' I mentally slapped myself. He was glaring daggers my way and I rolled my eyes and looked at Aizawa. "Your right l/n your excused for today sit down" he said and I walked away. Everyone else was whining but he quickly shut them up. Only so far deku, katsuki, and Mr. Aizawa knew of my quirk and I was okay with it, it's not so flashy I'm a little weak for a pure succubus but once my innocence is gone I'd be extremely powerful even more than my mom. I only wish for that day to come. I sighed and a girl with pink skin sat next to me and introduced herself as mina. We started talking and we got along well.

Mr. Aizawa presented the scores with the exception of me being out. I didn't hear what people where saying I just saw the sun was being covered by the person in front of me. "What do you want" I didn't look up I didn't have to I knew it was tenya. "How do you know Mr. Aizawa? And what exactly is your quirk" He asked not in a nice tone but I couldn't care less "Just mind your business I know you don't like me and that's fine I don't like you either but we are in the same class so behave yourself and act more mature will you?" I rolled my eyes and stood up. He took a hold of my wrist and held it tight as I glared at him "Don't touch me!" I yelled not noticing my physical appearance was changing my e/c turned red signaling how angry I was as my hair stood up and my body lighting a bright red color. He released my wrist in horror and katsuki and deku tried getting on my side to cool me down it didn't work. "Y/n" Aizawa activated his quirk and bonded my hands and legs as he pulled me close to him. My quirk turned off just like a switch and I cooked down. "Everyone go back to class leave me and y/n for the moment" Mr. Aizawa spoke. Everyone was shocked at what they just saw Bakugo and deku knew the cause of why I did it and they glared at tenya as they walked away.

"Y/n what was that just now?" He asked as he released his scarf from me. "He just won't leave me alone... Mr.Aizawa I'm sure you already read my case and the articles going around the internet of my mom and his dad having an affair 15 years ago but she ended it once she found out he was married" I rolled my eyes "His my brother whether he likes it or not I don't care I'll treat him how he treats me I've tried to be mature about this and I'm... I'm really tired I just wished my mom never had a fling with his dad I really do my whole life is a mess after my mom died I really have nobody" I didn't notice I was crying until he wiped my tears away. "Im here for you y/n" he whispered and pulled me into a huge to calm me down it eventually worked as he held me close to him. This is really what I needed a hug. I clung onto him like my life depended on it I felt safe, and Protected. This was my hug of survival. I've hugged many people because of my quirk but his hug stood out from the rest this one meant something at least to me, it let me know I wasn't alone and I finally had someone by my side. It was my favorite hug.

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