Morning Kisses

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After my talk with shota I went to the room and prepared to go to bed. I didn't feel drained or exhausted I was up and I couldn't go to sleep. All the girls were out cold. I sighed as I made my way out of bed and walked outside the building. The cool summer night breeze hit my body as I walked to the trees. Maybe I should've told someone I was heading out for some fresh air. I looked back to the building and groan. It was far away now so there wasn't any use. I walked towards kota's hide out and I sat down. "Hey mom it's been awhile since I've talked to you like this" I said as I looked at the sky. "I don't understand what you're trying to say with these dreams you're sending me... Why should I run? Is he coming here?" I asked as the wind started to pick up and get chilly. "Should I do head inside now mom?" I asked with a smile and the wind picked up blowing through my hair. "Okay fine I'll go inside I just want to say I miss you mom and I'm happy now that's for sure I got to tell shota I loved him I won't make the same mistake again I'll remind him as long as I live I'm sorry I couldn't tell you I loved you I love you " I sighed as I walked back to the camping site. As I walking through the trees I heard rustling and big loud foot steps behind me. I turned from time to time looking over my shoulders but I found nothing. I quickly went in the building only to be blinded by a light being turned on. "Where have you been?" Shota asked as I through myself at him. "Y/n what's wrong?" He asked as he turned off the light and held me close. "I thought I heard someone following me" I said as my body began to tremble in fear. "Don't go out anymore here c'mon let's go to my room" he said as I looked up at him. "But-" I was cut off as he pulled me upstairs and brought me into his room. He laid me down as he went into the bathroom and I was covered in the blanket surrounded by his scent. I quickly began to fall asleep and a couple minutes later he came back in the room and cuddled closer to me.

In the morning I woke up to see myself tangled up with him. I was in a very awkward position with my leg over his waist and me holding him close. I saw that he was sleeping soundlessly I brought my hand closer to his face and smiled at how he leaned into my touch. I began to peck his lips softly trying to wake up as I saw him stir awake and smile as I continued to kiss him. He opened his eyes a little bit as he looked at me. "You should get up" I said as he pulled me closer with a groan. "A little while longer I want to stay like this for a few more minutes" he said as I lightly giggled. He kissed me and made the kiss passionate as he hovered above me and and kissed my neck and then tried getting down lower until a knock startled the both of us. "Aizawa your students are all waiting outside" Vlad said through the door as I looked at Aizawa and patted his shoulder. "Alright I'll be done in a couple of minutes" aizawa said as he sat on his knees and pulled me on his lap. We heard the teachers footsteps fade away as aizawa kissed my neck. "We only need fifteen minutes anyway" he mumbled at my skin as I became flustered. "Now you just need to be quite" he said with a smirk as he laid me down. "You're like a horny teenager shota" I said as I giggled and pulled him closer to me bringing him into a kiss. He leaned closer and I felt his hardened member against my core as I let a small moan in between the kiss.

As we both hurriedly washed up and cleaned the evidence that we were together up we made it outside separately. I began my training acting as if I was always there with the rest of my classmates and none of them questioned or seemed to notice I wasn't here at all. With the energy I was given this morning I did my training harder than usual trying to go over my limit. It was starting to get tiring because I used to much of the energy given to me so I slowed down my pace in over exerting myself and my power. I raced iida a couple times and always won so I thought I'd give my wings a chance to see if I can carry them with ease now. I went up a hill far away from everyone else and Kota followed behind me as I stood straight I closed my eyes and relaxed. A couple of short minutes later I felt the heaviness of my wings on my back. I rolled my shoulders back and walked around and up and down the hill with my wings leveled up and off the floor. "There pretty" Kota said right beside me. I smiled and looked down on him. "Thank you they are really heavy though" I said as he made eye contact then looked at the floor. "Y/n-" Kota was cut off as I pushed him to the floor and big rock fell in the spot he was in. The rock got a hold of my ankle as I tried pushing it away it was no use I used so much of my energy training my body I was tired and barely had any amount left. I felt weak and useless Kota looked at me and ran off as I sat on the dirt and tried nudging the rock off it didn't budge.

I'm back guys!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I was reading alot if manga and catching up on other animes but I'm going to focus back on this story and my other ones anyway thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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