The boys pushed us back as they stood tall infront of the warp villian. I stood up shaking in my shoes just by seeing aizawa in trouble his fighting head on against alot of people. I wanted to jump and fight with him. My heart kept on telling me to go but mina gripping on to me wasn't helping me. Thirteen started talking to iida. "Class rep I have a job for you I need you to run to the school and tell the faculty what's going on here" iida was about to protest. "The alarms aren't sounding and our phones and radios are useless right now one of these villians must be to blamed" thirteen kept on talking but my mind was on Aizawa. I couldn't focus on anything else other than Aizawa. Mina let go of me as thirteen started using blackhole on the villian. Iida started running away as I stayed back. I was no help to them. I kept my attention on Aizawa I saw most of the men down but they got back into fight him again.
It was until I saw the guy with hands running to him I ran down the steps without thinking anything through.
He had his hand on aizawas elbow I wasnt anywhere closer to him. But I saw grey stuff appear and crumble on the floor. He then head butted the guy and Drew back. The people he was fighting started attacking him again as his shoulder didn't look in a good condition he kept on fighting. The hand guy kept talking but I saw the big guy walk behind aizawa. "Mr. Aizawa! Watch out" I yelled as I got closer. He turned back just in time to dodge one attack but not the other. "Aizawa!" I had tears in my eyes. My stored up energy was released as I turned on my quirk. The big guy kept on hurting aizawa. He was only following orders from the hand guy so I went after him. I started glowing as the villians stayed on the floor going into heat."Y/n stay back!" Aizawa yelled. I wasn't able to hear what was going on because the men kept on whining. I stayed back until I saw Aizawa on the floor with blood with his arm twisted. Another broken bone as the big guy twisted his arms and picked up aizawas head and rubbed it on the floor. ' he told me to stay back.. but if I go where they can see me they would be in heat my quirk isn't that strong I'm still very pure the only thing I can really do is take every one done and give them heat' I reminded myself. 'but if aizawa cuts off my quirk I'm done for' I kept on thinking.
I was cut off my thoughts as the warp guy appeared. The hand guys name was tomura so far that's what I heard in the conversation. They sounded like they were leaving... Tomura turned around and face deku and his group. In a flash he was infront of the girl reaching his hand out. The memory of aizawas elbow decaying popped up on my mind. 'Would she disappear to?' he turned around and saw Aizawa. He was shoved to the floor again as deku laid out a punch to tomura. A burst of wind pushed me back as well as the other guys. But deku didn't punch tomura he punched the guy that was with aizawa. Aizawa! I turned to face him his body was like a ragged doll as it laid on the floor. I ran towards him as I lifted his head and from the cement
I laid his head back on the floor as he opened his eyes but I covered them until I disactivated my quirk and them removed my hand. "I'm going to help you" I told him. "The only was my healing process works is if I kiss you okay?" I said to him as he nodded. There was tears coming out my eyes from how scared I was. I leaned in closer and....

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)
RomanceEnjoy the story! Stay for the plot and mix emotions you'll feel while reading this...