I stepped back as I rubbed my forehead. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking" I said as I looked up to see Tensei infront of me. He held my shoulders as he looked at my face. "What's wrong?!" He asked as he looked at me up and down to check if I hurt myself. I never felt so weak as my whole world crumbled beneath my feet I threw my arms around him as I cried. He hugged me back after a little as he rubbed small circles on my back to calm me down "I am here for you y/n and maybe I wasn't there when you needed me these past few days" he said as I felt his muscles flex around me as he pulled me closer. "But I am here now and I want to be there for you" I pulled back as I wiped my tears. "I can't tell you here let's go" I said as we walked to my apartment.
"So he called you today?" He asked as I nodded and passed him my phone I told him everything except the aizawa parts. He looked at my phone "can I take it for the investigation?" He asked as I nodded again. he stood up and hugged me. "I won't let him lay a finger on you I promise" he said as he held me tighter in his grip. "I'll have to tell Dad about this" he said as I looked up at him. "Can you not tell him?" I asked as my eyes looked scared. "He might want me to move back home and you know Mrs. Iida hates my guts I can't go back there" I said as he slowly nodded. "If this gets out of hand I'll have to tell him y/n but for your safety and for the people living in this area I'll have more pro heroes patrolling the area from now on" he said as he patted my head. I smiled as hugged him again. "Thank you!" I said as tears fell down my cheeks but they weren't sad tears more of tears of joy.
"What were you doing here anyway?" I asked as he smiled. "Well I wanted to check up on you" he said as he held me by my shoulder. He only stayed for a little before his agency called again. He left but not before calling in a side kick to come and patrol my neighborhood.
I distracted myself with a book in my lap and stood up to the kitchen as I walked in the find any snacks I might have left if there even was. When I found none I went out the apartment and to the closest convenient store and walked back to my apartment. I laid down on my couch and as I laid there with my speaker booming out songs drowning myself in my thoughts was my only escape as I pulled out the report I have been disregarding and keeping to the side as I finally filled out the process. I called off what me and aizawa had off my heart felt empty He was also my escape. That hurt my heart and just remembering the girls arms around him and how she said history. Yes of course he had history with her. I was- well I am just a student and nothing more than that. I reminded myself that I was probably something to distract himself with. I curled my knees closer to my chest. I dug my head into my knees as the music player in the background. I didn't hear my front door being knocked on.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)
Storie d'amoreEnjoy the story! Stay for the plot and mix emotions you'll feel while reading this...