I love you

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Kota walked my way as he pulled on my shirt and lead me away from the students and the cat ladies as everyone noticed. "Y/n are you also looking for Muscular?" He asked as I shook my head. "I'm actually running away from him" I said as Kota looked surprised but kept tugging me to follow. "I haven't received any calls lately but he threatened to kill me like my mother and I don't want to die yet but if I must then so be it" I said as Kota looked at me. "Why do you want to be a hero?" He asked as I smiled. "I think hero's are cool when they protect other people that's what my mom did before she died" I said as Kota frowned. "But being a hero is what killed her" he said as we stopped at a mountain top. "That might be true but my mother loved being a hero and I want to make her proud by being one myself" I said as he turned away. "I'm sorry about your mom" he said as he looked up at me. "Don't be this is the first time I get to talk about her without crying I'm sorry about your parents you shouldn't have gone through that since you are young but you did and I can only guess how happy you're parents are of you" I said as I caressed his head and he leaned into my touch. "This is my favorite spot to think" he said as he laid his head down on my lap. "Oh yeah? It sure is pretty up here" I said as I looked at the sunsetting. Before I knew it the sun was out and the night sky filled up the sky above us. I looked down to see Kota sleeping. I quickly placed him in my arms and walked towards the lights as it guided me to the building. "Oh thank goodness!" The red cat yelled as she walked up to us. "I didn't know where he took you and we were going to ask everyone to come help us look for you guys" she rambled but she stopped as she saw he was sound asleep in my arms. "That's a surprise" the blue cat said from behind the red one. "Kota hates when random people touch him" she continued as Kota started to wake up. He rubbed his eyes as he looked up at me and his face became red as I set him down and he ran off. "Thank you for bringing him back" Mandalay said as she bowed and I shook my head. "Oh also Erasure head is still in the woods looking for you I'll call him back" she said as I nodded and she walked off with everyone else. I was left alone outside before I was picked up from behind and brought in a hug from behind. "I thought something bad Happened to you" he said as I leaned into his touch before I turned around and looked at him. "I love you" I said it without thinking as I covered my mouth as shota's eyes widened in surprise. "What?" He said as he tried to hold me again but I backed away. I became flustered the words just slipped out. "Y/n say it again" he said as he grabbed my face. I giggled at the reaction he was giving me "I said I love you" I said it this time more confident. "Damn it why did it have to be here now I can't even hold you like I wanted to or even kiss you with out looking around first" he said before he kissed me quickly as I giggled in between the kisses and he let go. "I love you y/n and you don't know how happy you made me tonight" he said as he smiled like a goof. "Y/n!!!!!" Mina yelled from inside the building as I looked at her. "We are going to the hot springs wanna come?" She asked as I nodded. "Well this is goodnight shota" I said but he pulled my wrist as I faced him again. "Say it again please" he whispered as I giggled. "Goodnight shota I love you" I said as I ran to mina and we walked to the hot springs to relax our muscles. "So y/n how are things with Mr. Aizawa" mina whispered as I looked around before I answered "I finally told him I loved him and he gave me the cutest reaction" I said as we both started to giggle. "And what are you two talking about?" Momo asked as all the girls looked at me and mina. "Ah nothing it's just an inside joke" I said as mina started talking about something else. "I'll be heading to bed goodnight girls" I said as I walked out the hot springs and changed but I kept the towel in my hair as I walked the halls to get to my room. "Y/n" shota said as I turned to him. "Eager?" I asked as he smiled and looked around the hallway before he picked me up and hugged me close to his chest. "I want to hold you longer but I can't anyway I thought you'd want my shirt like always so here" he said as he handed me his shirt. "Thank you now go before you get caught" I said as I kissed him quickly and pushed him away. Once he left the hall I went into the room and Changed my shirt and began to drift off to sleep.

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