Father's House

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Aizawa stepped to the side as present mic walked in. "Seems like your all better now" he said to aizawa as he turned to me and let out a small smile. He sat next to me on the couch "Hey kid" he said as a way of greeting I gave him a smile and brought the mug back to my lips drinking the liquid "So have you guys made up yet?" He asked as I choked on the liquid. Both men got startled as I started coughing. Aizawa ran into the kitchen grabbing water and tissues as present mic hit my back lightly as a way to stop me from coughing. Aizawa came back in as he knelt down infront of me and cleaned me up. "W-wait so you know?" I asked trying to compose myself. "Well yeah" present mic said as he sat back down leaning into the couch further. "You guys had a sort of glow and you both seemed off eachtime I saw you guys together and yesterday was confirmed that something was going on between you two" he said as he looked at me through his glasses. I took a good look at him this time he had his hair back in a low bun and wore casual clothing then I stared at his neck and smirked. "Your not the only one who knows something present mic" I said as aizawa stood up again and went back to the kitchen and came back again. "Oh?" He said as I nodded. "Others might not see it but yours and midnights relationship is truly something" I said as he gave me a smirk. "You're smart kid" he said as I hummed in response "well I should get going by now or my brother is going to worry" I said to the guys. I went into the kitchen as I set my mug down in the sink and went back out to see both men standing. "We'll see you at school y/n" present mic said with a small wave. I nodded and put my shoes on infront of the door I was going to open the door when aizawa pulled me back he hugged me and kissed me goodbye. "You know shota you seem like the type of guy that would get pegged" present mic said from behind us as I closed the door I know I heard a scream shortly after I quickly shook my head with a smile as I walked to my apartment.

I opened my apartment door as I saw my dad and tensei standing on the living room. My dad faced me before he ran to me indulging me in a hug. "I'm so happy you're okay" he said as he squeezed me tighter. "Dad you're going to break her if you keep hugging her like that" tensei said from behind him. "Y/n I was so worried and to find out you two kept this from me hurts me so much" he said as he finally pulled apart and wiped away tears that fell down his cheeks. "You are moving back home" he said as I was about to shake my head. "I'm moving back in with you so mom won't do anything to you" tensei said with a smile. "B-bu" I was cut off "This isn't up for argument you are living back home with us for your safety" he said as I nodded knowing I couldn't change his mind.

All of my things were packed again not like I had much anyway. We drove back to my dad's house and there stood Mrs. Iida with her hands folded against her chest with a frown clearly visible. Tensei parked the car as we all took out a box to bring inside. I was the last one to grab a box as I tried walking past her she extended her leg out causing it to collide with my foot making me fall and scrape my knee drawing blood. I kneeled on the ground as I started picking up the journals that were in the box. I let out a sigh as she crouched down and picked up a journal passing it to me "Don't think you're special y/n your nothing to me just a slut like your filthy mother" she said as I quickly took the journal from her grip. "To bad your opinion really doesn't faze me anymore Mrs. Iida because at the end of the day you're just embarrassed that you couldn't please your husband enough even you knew what happened between my mother and father I will not forgive you from how much times you made my mother's life difficult" I said as I remembered a detailed page of how my mother had many hardships because of Mrs. Iida's jealousy and lack of forgiving. As I lifted the box up she stood up and looked furious she raised her hand just to have it gripped by my father "That's enough!" He said to her "b-b" she started "I saw everything from inside or are you going to tell me that it wasn't your intention to humiliate my daughter?" He asked as she gasped. I looked at him with a sad smile he actually confirmed I was his daughter. He quickly let go of her arm as he took the box from my hands and ruffled my hair before walking back inside.
I could have sworn a felt a tear run down my cheek before I headed inside.

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