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We walked to school after that. I went to my seat as katsuki turned around with a smirk causing me to push him away with my hand. "G-good morning y/n" midoriya said "good morning deku" I looked up at him with a smile. "Do you need a hug or anything?" He asked concerned for my energy. "No they aren't necessary today I was stored up since the morning thank you though" I told him as he looked at me and nodded and yelped while he ran back to his seat as soon as katsuki turned back around in a flash. "Who gave you energy this morning?" Katsuki asked. "Wouldn't you like to know" I teased as I booped his nose and as his whole Aura changed into instant kill. "Kidding I'm kidding!" I yelled as I covered myself with my arms that formed an x.

"Alright class settle down" Mr. Aizawa said as all the students stood up and greeted him then went back to there seats. The classes were so boring I bet I at least slept in one or two. As the day came to an end iida was more quiet then usual. I shrugged it off because I liked how quiet it was. The bell rang signalling all students to go home. I was packing my back pack until Mr. Aizawa stood by my desk "I'll be in a meeting so just wait here" he whispered as he tapped my desk and I set my backpack back down. The students almost all of them left except katsuki. "Aren't you going home?" He asked "I am I just need to talk to Mr. Aizawa" I said to him as he shrugged and said "whatever" and left. Leaving me alone in the room as I laid my head down on the desk and eventually slept.

Aizawa p.o.v.
"Sorry kid for the delay the meeting took much longer than it should have let's g-" I was cut off as I opened the door revealing y/n sleeping soundlessly. I walked up to her as I gently caressed her hair and tried nudging her awake. "No mom five more minutes" her eyebrows frowned as her face scrunched into a pout and she slapped my hand away. "This-" I cut myself off as I nudged her again and again until she would wake up. She eventually did. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she yawned. "oh Mr. Aizawa did the meeting finish?" She asked as she looked up at me. "Yes are you ready to go?" I asked as she nodded and she was about to grab her bag before I beated her to it and slung it across my shoulder. She walked by my side as we left the campus.

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