My Power

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Aizawa took off my skirt and dropped it on the floor as I laid in bed catching my breathe. As I stood still my body felt lighter and stronger. Aizawa laid next to me as he wrapped his hands around me and pulled me closer to him. For a surprise I didn't feel tired I felt energetic. "Y/n are you okay?" He asked as I turned to face him and I pulled him closer. I smiled and kissed him and he kissed back. "I'm fine" I said as I sat up and positioned myself on his waist. As he held me with his hands on my waist. I was about to lean in for another kiss. When a loud knock was heard causing aizawa to jump out of bed and slide me off. I pouted but I picked up my clothes and dressed myself again. Aizawa did the same and he helped me clean off my skirt. The knock on the door continued. Before he opened the door aizawa pulled me close and kissed me as he fixed my hair. The knock got louder as he grunted and opened it to reveal present mic. "What took you so long?" He asked as he barged in. "I'm sorry present mic it was my fault I was trying to do his bandages as fast as I could" I said. Present Mic looked at me up and down. "Did you do something new?" He asked as I shook my head. "Something looks different about you it's like your glowing" he commented as aizawa looked at me and blushed as he closed the door. "Is there any reason you came here Mic?" Aizawa asked as he went to get a glass of water "yes actually we need to talk about the sports festival" he said. "Well I'll be on my way it seems aizawa has healed quiet alot if his active" I said as aizawa choked on his water. "Bye y/n!" Present Mic said as he waved. I left with a smile on my face.

I washed up and looked for a box in my apartment containing my mom's diary's. I eventually did find it and opened it to a page I know to well. She talks about her first time and the changes she saw. She says she got alot stronger and her form changed. I won't show my form at least not now to not show people and get questioned. She even told me once she can enter people's heads and make them have inappropriate thoughts or unleash there inner desire or she can just hear people's thoughts she said that helped her alot on pointing out the bad guy. Tomorrow is going to be fun.

I got dressed and made toast as I quickly left for school. I went into the classroom early and sat on my desk. A few minutes later the classroom was getting full and there thoughts were everywhere. I covered my ears because the voices bothered me. It was until I was sure I was able to quiet them down and pin point them to the right person. 'ugh another boring day' a male voice rang as I looked at denki. 'y/n looks so hot today I wonder if I can sneak in a look at her panties' another male voice said as I glared at mineta. 'oh shit!' he said in his head. 'papa is busy lately with work should I help him after school?' a feminine voice rang and I matched it with uraraka. I did this for the time i had left and that quieted the voices. 'I wonder if y/n feels good to come to class today I forgot to call damn maybe she thinks I'm playing with her now I'll have to explain what happened with present mic' a loud tired voice boomed as the door opened to reveal Aizawa. His eyes looked for me and he slightly smiled when he saw me. "Good morning class" he said as he entered.

In the middle of the lesson he would walk around the class to check on our work. He acted casual but his mind was freaking out Everytime he passed by me. I giggled just at the thought of him freaking out if I'm mad at him or not. I slipped into his mind as I created a scenario of just the two of us in the class. He had me on his lap infront of his chair as he slipped his hands under my skirt as he kissed my neck and I was breathing heavily against him. Then I managed to slip my hand in his pants as I held him in my palm. He stumbled on his table as he sat down quickly and coughed. Everyone turned to him but continued on with there work. I smiled as he looked at me and glared at me. 'See me after class' he said as I nodded with a smirk. Looks like he found out it was me.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now