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"Are you serious?" Aizawa asked as I rolled my eyes. "Yes I'm sure shota" I whispered. "But isn't the janitors closet-" I cut him off as narrowed my eyes "Your killing the mood" I told him before I walked out the classroom. He quickly rose his hands up and continued walking by me and a reasonable space because of school. We passed by students and teachers who didn't look twice at us. We were close by as I began to get excited. Once I opened the door I smiled . "See I told you" I told him before I got on my knees and picked up my discarded sweater which was wrapped around a black kitten. "I saw this precious baby boy when I close to my father's house and I secretly took care of it but I can't no more this kitty is very curious" I said as I held it up and showed him. "So you want me to keep it?" He asked me confused. "Well I was thinking we could raise it together we can play parents for little shota" I said as he took the cat in his arms. "You Did no-" I cut him off "shh don't say anything from this day forward he is our child and you better take good care of him" I said before walking away to the stadium. "I'll see you later!" I yelled before leaving him in the building. He let out a sigh before placing the kitten in his scarf and walking to the stadium to.

I changed into my gym clothes and began to walk to the waiting room.
Mina walked to me. "Why are you late?" She asked me. "It's nothing to worry about... Are you excited?" I asked her as she nodded. We both began to talk until iida came in telling us to head into the stadium to which me and mina both placed a bet on who could reach there first we both rushed out.

Mina won as she used her quirk. The stadium was huge as we looked around many people were around. I felt really self conscious as I folded my arms. "What are you doing?" Katsuki asked causing me to flinch. "What the hell katsuki! Don't scare me like that!" I yelled as he gave me a small smile. "Do you have enough energy?" Mina whispered to me as I shrugged. In total I had alot of physical contact with just hugs and light touches but that wasn't enough. She and kirishima quickly smiled as they both wrapped me in a huge hug. "Hey! Put me down this is embarrassing" I yelled as I tried to cover my face. They both let me down as the began to laugh I still covered my face in embarrassment. We all stood in the middle of the arena as present mic introduced the other classes.

We all stood in the middle as midnight whipped her leathery whip and asked for a introduction speech from katsuki. Katsuki began to walk up the stage as I began to feel anxious knowing bakugo I know he'll say something stupid. "I just want to say I'm gonna win" he said as I slapped my forehead. I tried my best to not laugh at everyone's reaction. Everyone began to give him hate to which I know why but it was still funny. He quickly made his way down as I held my hand up and he gave me a high five. "Good job bakugo!" I said as I smiled he gave me a smile. We soon looked back at midnight as she began to explain the first game. It was an obstacle course she then explained we can do whatever we truly wanted. We all made our way to the start as I stood in the front lines. I know I'll have to jump to run with my super speed I'd be able to dodge any attack. As the final light turned off and midnight yelled to begin I was the first one out of there. I was face to face with robots after a couple of minutes.

"This is great" I said as I rolled my eyes and broke some of the robots and purposely making them fall at the entrance. After I finished with the robots I continued on to the next obstacle as I made my way with the rope hanging onto it. I was falling behind so I tried my best to hurry. After a few minutes I finished the obstacle only to go to the final one with the minefield. I carefully made my way through it in a rush since half of the students cleared the path already. That was until a loud explosion startled me. I looked behind to see deku flying midair then falling I quickly ran trying my best to catch up with the boys only to see them all try to go with first place. Once we were out the minefield we all raced towards the stadium. I managed to get fourth place.

I took a break for a couple of minutes as I steadied my breathing while waiting for the others. I looked up to where I knew present mic and Aizawa where as I smiled and gave them a thumbs up. 'i made it' I told myself as I felt Happy. I walked to Izuku as I have him a big hug. "Congratulations Izuku you did amazing!" I said as he hugged back quickly while telling me thank you.

Aizawa x Student Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now