Bang Bang

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{in this Gaga is still famous but Bradley is a cop, just to clear out any confusion lol}

Stefani's POV:

When the door opened with a loud thud as it hit the wall behind it I screamed and turned around, only to be met with cold eyes I didn't recognize. Whoever it was had on a black wool mask and I simply held my hands up, shaking at the thought of getting hurt. I had seen this in movies plenty of times and it was the only thing that came to my mind.

I only had on my pajamas which weren't much but a long shirt and very short shorts. The intruder aimed his gun at me and yelled something I couldn't even understand since his accent was too thick. It sounded Russian or something but I didn't know for sure.

"Take whatever you want!" I motioned towards the safe and he shot me a warning look with his cold eyes before turning towards the safe.

"Code!" He still had his gun aimed at me and I told him the code through teary eyes, sobbing.

I had no idea why he even was here and how he got around security and all of the cameras. He laughed at the 100.000$ he took out of the safe, put them in his backpack and turned towards me again, coming closer.

"You joking? Is this joke? Only 100.000$? Where is rest? More money!" He yelled right at my face.

"I don't have more! This is all I keep at home, I promise!" I said, shaking harder when I felt his gun press into the side of my stomach. "I promise, please don't shoot me." I whispered through tears, closing my eyes tightly.

"You have three seconds to give me more money or I'll shoot!" He yelled, pressing the gun into my side harder.

I cried and shook my head. "No, please, I don't have any more money, I promise!"


I pressed my eyes together further, praying to god in my head.


He loaded his gun and the clicking sound of it made me flinch and cry harder.


One of my security guards aimed his gun at the intruder, but before he could fully enter the room the thief shot him. I used his distraction as a way to escape but I didn't get very far until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down at the blood that was spreading on my shirt and the last thing I remembered was how my knees hit the floor.


I groaned and turned around a bit until I was reminded by the pain of what had happened before. I quickly opened my eyes and held the wound, wiping some tears away from my cheeks. "Hello!" I yelled, trying to sit up a bit. I looked around and noticed I was laid on the floor. I was on an old mattress, the floor was dusty and there was barely any light coming through the window next to me.

I pulled my shirt up to get a better look at the wound and groaned at the bloody mess. I ripped some material off of my shirt and pressed it down into the wound. "Fuck, shit!" I cursed under my breath, trying to take deep breaths.


I didn't know how long it had been since they brought me here. It had been days, maybe even weeks. I was hungry and my throat was dry from lack of water. The one water bottle he had left me here was already empty and the pain in my stomach was almost unbearable. I knew the wound was infected but I couldn't do much about it, so I left it alone and didn't even dare to look at it.

My eyes were barely open. I felt sick and I was tired from trying to stay awake for as much as possible.

I only sat up and looked at the door when I heard tons of yelling and banging coming from outside. I couldn't recognize the voices and pressed myself further against the wall when I heard the footsteps coming closer to the room I was in.

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