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Hey :)

I'm currently working on longer stories / actual books that I want to put out eventually once I've got the basic ideas down, which is why my updates on this one have been a bit irregular and quite honestly, a bit crappy as well.

I apologize and I promise I'm working on all of your suggestions as well as on new original short stories/mainly one shots so don't worry - this book won't be finished for a while 😌

However: I will put out at least FOUR other books that I've come up with, that I think you'll enjoy reading. They're all very different from each other, one is more crime, the other inspired by the hangover movies, one is your cliché bad boy meets good girl story and the other plays in a small town called 'watch Hill' in Rhode Island aka it's a vacation kinda story. They're obviously all going to be BradGa stories, in case that wasn't clear already!

I'm continuously writing on all of those while I'm also trying to come up with new stuff for this book, plus writing what you've suggested as well. That's why my updates have become a bit less.

My personal life has been crazy hard and busy as well for a while now, with someone close to me passing away to finding a job yadda yadda yadda...

I hope you're all still going to stick around to read more, despite the long wait sometimes. I'm very thankful for those I see in the comment section regularly, y'all honestly keep me going and inspire me to write and get better at it as well. Requested stories are always a bit harder for me to write since I really wanna do good with those and not let any of you down, hence why some take a bit longer than others, but I promise you, I'm not ignoring any requests! It's just taking a while when you're a perfectionist haha :D

I also do live in Germany and I was born and raised here as well, which means that English isn't my first language and I honestly had to teach it to myself because our schools suck and the teachers don't know how to speak English themselves so 😂 well. Anyway, I am aware of the fact that my grammar isn't always on point and that my vocabulary could be better but I'm constantly trying to improve myself and I think I'm doing a pretty okay job under these circumstances? :)

The next story should be up either today or tomorrow! It's finally going to be one of the requested ones again! Also smut 😌 so stay tuned :P

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