bloody hell (mature)

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I'm not very good with supernatural stuff even though it's my favorite thing to watch, so I thought I'd dabble in the American Horror Story universe. Hope you like it! Also, all of my stories are becoming mature rated, I have a problem. I'll also leave her name as Stefani instead of Elizabeth because I can 😂

This is unedited (sorry).

"Oh, little angel. Your mother couldn't even keep an eye on you for two seconds, could she?" Stefani knelt down in front of the toddler whose cheeks were flushed and tear stained. Her thumb was inside of her mouth and she sucked on it, looking at the stranger in front of her with wide and curious eyes. "Don't worry, darling. Once you're with me I promise you'll never feel abandoned ever again." She offered the girl a short smile before she grabbed her willing hand and guided her away from her mother who didn't even notice her child was missing.

"I'll fly over to New York first thing tomorrow morning. I'll just leave Lea with Bradley." She paused. "Yeah, I'm so glad we broke up, to be honest. I feel much better without him in my life. He was so annoying." Irina rolled her eyes and turned to find her side empty. "Wait a second." She said into the phone. "Lea?! Lea, where the fuck are you?!" She yelled, getting up from the bench she was sat on. Truth be told she hadn't really paid much attention to Lea ever since they got to the park and felt the guilt rise inside of her body. "I'll call you back." She said and finally hung up the phone, rushing around the park area in search of her daughter.


Stefani guided the little blonde girl into the elevator and calmly pressed the button to the 12th floor. "I have new clothes for you, a bed and all the candy you can think of." She explained.

Lea's eyes lit up. "Candy?"

"Yes, baby." The elevator stopped with a ding and she rushed out, Lea on her hand. When she pushed against a wall and revealed the play room to her, Leas eyes lit up with excitement. She immediately made her way to one of the candy machines and started munching on the chocolates. It was time to turn her.


"I can't believe Lea is gone!" Bradley yelled at Irina. "We've been to that park a thousand times before and I was always the only one paying attention to her. I bet she's scared right now!"

Irina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "It's not my fault she's so needy. You spoiled her too much." She said.

Bradley scoffed in disbelief. "She's our only child, of course I spoil her! She's an amazing and smart child, Irina."

"Last time I checked she's just a bunch of messy hair and stinky poops on legs."

"I can't believe you're not even worried. Actually, I can believe it." Bradley groaned and slapped the front door shut after he left.


It's been three days after Lea left and the police were clueless. Bradley came back to the park in search for her every day, hoping she'd find her way back to him. He didn't want to imagine what could happen or what had already happened. He let out an exhausted sigh and plopped down on a bench, burying his face in his hands in frustration.

"Giving up already?" Stefani asked, sitting down next to him.

Bradley looked to his side and swallowed at the stunning woman next to him. She looked like she belonged in another century, like a renaissance painting. Her skin was glowing under the light of the sunset and her lips were a perfect shade of red. "Excuse me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

She lit a cigarette and placed the thin stick between her lips, blowing some smoke out of her mouth before looking at him again. "Aren't you missing your daughter? Lea, right? I haven't seen her mother search for her once." She simply said, putting her pack of cigarettes back into the expensive coat she was wearing.

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