Robot Man [1]

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Quick disclaimer before I start: I don't know much about the topic I'm going to write about so if you've experienced similar things or know someone that has: don't come for me. If you know a better way to describe things or something please come forward and send me your suggestions regarding that topic. I've obviously done my research as best as possible, yet I know the internet can only provide so much information on a certain topic and not everything will be accurate. I've tried my best.

It was a busy Saturday evening and the restaurant I had been eating at was still filled with people, so when I walked out of the two large wooden doors I wasn't too surprised to see a ton of paparazzi already waiting for me outside. Their eyes were all on me in a heartbeat and that's also when the first cameras clicked and the flashes started to blind me. My security team and friends tried to keep them off of me as best as they could but the New York paparazzi were a lot more physical and eager than others. It wasn't long until I felt someone grab my coat or pull on my arm yet the only thing that really bothered me was when someone pushed me - hard. I had a fable for high heels and my motto was 'the higher the better' yet I mentally cursed myself out when I stumbled. I closed my eyes when I felt myself fall and only opened them when my body didn't collide with the hard concrete but softly landed in a pair of arms.

I opened my eyes and was met with a pair of ocean blue ones. The man in front of me had his eyes widened in shock and his arms were around my waist in a protective hold. I only looked away from him and snapped out of my trance when one of my security men pulled him away from me and pushed me to keep walking. I let him guide me to the car and looked back at the man who'd caught me. He was still staring at me and I mouthed a small 'thank you' before I got into the car.

This is only a short introduction to this two (with this short one three) part story! It's very special to me and I've enjoyed writing it a lot so it would mean the world to me if you could lemme know if y'all like it 😌

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