"It burns!"

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I leaned my head back to rest on Bradley's shoulder with a smile on my face.

It had been a long day and I was tense and tired, so when I got home and Bradley saw how exhausted I really was he prepared a bath for me and joined me, of course.

I let out a pleased sigh at how good the warm water felt against my skin and gently played with some of the bubbles, whirling my fingers inside of the slightly blue tinted water. Bradley's hands moved up my body and he gently massaged my shoulders, earning a soft hum of approval from me.

"How was work? Is the album coming together?" He asked, pressing a soft kiss to one of my shoulders.

I turned my head a little so I could look at him and nodded. "It's almost finished, which is always nerve wrecking to me. I'm too much of a perfectionist to put out something I'm not one hundred percent proud of."

Bradley smiled. "You're perfect, so nothing you do is any less than just that."

I pressed a quick kiss on his lips and giggled. "You're too good to me." I cuddled into him a bit more. Bradley's arms were wrapped around my body and I intertwined our fingers, feeling as safe as I could in his arms.

"Hand me the shampoo bottle." He spoke up after a minute and I leaned forward to hand him the blue bottle. He squeezed some of the liquid into one of his palms and began to massage it into my hair. I closed my eyes a little too late and when I felt the foam run down my forehead and into my eyes, I let out a little whine, squeezing my eyes shut immediately.

"It burns, Bradley!" I complained and rubbed over my eyes. Bradley chuckled at my pout. I turned towards him and was now straddling his lap. He turned on the faucet again and gently rinsed out my eyes. When I opened them again they were still a little red but the burning was gone.

"I'm sorry, baby." Bradley chuckled, kissing me softly. I smiled through the kiss before I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you." I whispered against his lips and then pressed our foreheads together, closing my eyes once again. "I'm tired." I yawned.

Bradley laughed and nodded, brushing a wet strand of hair behind my ear. "Okay lets get ready for bed then."

We both got out of the tub and got dressed, brushed our teeth together while we kept bumping shoulders and broke out into laughter. Bradley almost choked on his toothpaste at one point and I had tears in my eyes from laughing too hard. We got along so well, it was almost scary to me how safe and happy I felt with him.

When we were finally done and ready for bed we jumped under the covers. I cuddled into Bradley's side and laid my head on his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat while I closed my eyes. Bradley's hand was in my hair and he massaged my scalp with his fingers.

"Tell me a story?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

Bradley chuckled and then thought about what to tell me for a moment before he spoke again. "Okay. When I was going through the material of some of our scenes together is when I really fell in love with you. I don't think I ever told you that. It was actually our screening test scenes that got me most, because we instantly clicked and I don't think I've ever experienced that with anyone before you." He paused, now drawing circles on my arm.

I had a smile on my face and the last thing I felt before I fell asleep were his lips on my forehead as he mumbled a 'good night baby' to me.

This was a short and cute one. I feel like I like writing shorter ones more because I don't overdo it then?? But tell me if you prefer these short ones over the long ones or not 🤔

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