Robot Man [3] (TW; mention of suicide)

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Who would've thought that Bradley was the funniest and most charismatic person to ever cross paths with me? I had met many remarkable people, especially since I worked with talented and creative people all the time and have met quite a fair share of them, yet none of them could compare to Bradley if it came down to just him and them in a room.

He was interested in what I did and what I had to say, he was smart and educated in so many things. It was honestly hard not to lose count of the things he knew about and he was very witty, knew exactly what to say and when to say it and despite his obvious nervousness, he managed to radiate such confidence at the same time. I admired him.

"You owe me the real story as to why you're part robot." I pointed my fork at him before taking the noddles on it into my mouth.

We'd decided to find a rather unknown restaurant I sometimes went to, given my social status. I didn't want to bombard him with my life just yet.

Bradley chuckled and swallowed his bite. "It's not as funny as the kitten story, I'm sorry if it's disappointing." He smiled.

I waited for him to continue. I was genuinely curious. It's not that it changed the way I viewed him in any way. He was still extremely attractive and a missing leg definitely didn't manage to drag me away from him. I couldn't understand how the women he'd met in the past could've left him, just because of that.

"It did happen six years ago, that was the truth. I was also driving in my car and it was snowing."he recalled what he had told me so far. "I had been in a relationship at the time and it didn't go too well. I was struggling a lot with where I wanted my life to go: I had a deep passion for acting and wanted to branch out into directing as well, yet that meant that I'd have to work more and even harder and June -that's her name- did everything she could to stop me from doing it. She was incredibly jealous of every female I interacted with and often visited me on set to keep an eye on me. I'm very independent and I'd never cheat on my partner, yet she kept accusing me of the worst things and it drove me nuts, so I told her I wanted to break up with her. I had just gotten a deal at a company and of course she didn't take it well." He paused and groaned. "I'm sorry, I don't like talking about my ex, it's probably weird to you-"

I interrupted him with a giggle and shook my head. "No, I like to hear about your past." I assured him and he let out a breath before continuing.

"Anyway, they fired me after she sabotaged everything I had fought for and I lost all hope. Around the same time a good friend of mine passed away as well and I started drinking heavily. I'm not proud of it but it was the only thing that helped me at the time. So, one night I had been drinking a lot, I was depressed and determined to end my life."

That caught my attention. This beautiful man in front of me had been through such pain, he really wanted to end his own life. The thought of it made me feel sick and I stopped eating, to steer my attention towards him completely.

"Don't worry, I'm a lot better now, but I was a mess back then." He explained. "I got into my car and drove down a land road. It was 4am, there wasn't anyone on the road and it was snowing heavily. Nobody was stupid enough to drive in that weather anyway, except for me." He chuckled and then shrugged. "I was going way too fast and my car slipped and crashed into a tree. I could've died and it actually made me feel worse that I didn't. I woke up at the hospital, without my leg. They told me they had to amputate it where the accident happened, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to get me out of the car and I obviously passed out from the pain. I luckily don't remember that, but I do remember the months after that. It was hell." He finished the story and took a sip of his water.

"Wow, that's actually a lot more impressive than the kitten story." I said and smiled at the man in front of me. He just turned out to be even more remarkable than I'd thought he was previously.

"I did it to myself, how is any of this impressive?" He asked.

I gave him a warm smile and gently graced the back of his hand with my fingertips. "I know what it's like to lose a friend. It's like your entire world stops spinning, everything reminds you of them and I also know what it's like to lose a partner. I used to drink a lot as well and I know why you did what you did. What's remarkable about you though, is that you never gave up. Even though you attempted suicide once you got your life back, Bradley. What we did in the past, our weak moments, they don't matter. What matters is what we learn from them and what we do with our experiences and I do believe you're a good man." I said and Bradley grabbed my hand in his.

"Thank you. You're not too bad yourself." He joked.

"I know, I'm Lady fucking Gaga." I joked back, making us laugh.


Bradley and I leaned back into the couch when the credits of the movie appeared on the screen. We decided to go to my place to watch a movie after we had dinner because we both didn't feel like saying goodbye yet. He was very good company and I honestly just wanted to look at him for longer. I had needs.

"That was the most boring movie I've ever seen." Bradley said and I laughed at his confession.

"Thank god you said it, I didn't want to in case you liked it." I grinned at him.

"You would've lied to me?" He fake gasped, making me laugh.

"No!" I said, but Bradley crossed his arms over his chest and dramatically sighed.

"I don't think I can forgive you for that!" He said and we fake fought for a while until I grabbed his arms to push them open. He was way stronger than me though and I had no chance. I threw a leg over his body and straddled him, the unexpected movement distracting him as I took that as my chance. He loosened his arms from their tight grip and I took them out of their crossed position before I smiled triumphantly.

"I won." I exclaimed.

Bradley frowned. "Oh, what exactly did you win, huh?" He teased and I noticed his slightly sexual undertone.

"I don't know? Unless you have something to offer." I teased back, liking where this is going.

I was just horny. Who could judge me, though?

"I'm a man of many talents but I've heard I'm a good kisser." He said, his hands resting on my hips.

"Is that so? Interesting." I said, grinning as I leaned down further.

"You could try it out and tell me what you think." He whispered when our lips were only inches away.

When our lips finally met he pulled me closer. He started out gentle and slow but soon deepened the kiss and I moaned at how good it felt. I could feel goosebumps form on my skin and when we pulled away I didn't want it to be over.

"So, what do you think?" He joked, pretending to write whatever I said down.

"It was okay." I shrugged, obviously lying, making him tickle my sides. I burst out into a fit of giggles until I couldn't take anymore. "Okay! Okay! It was amazing, you really are a good kisser!" I gave up.

The end of this! How did you like it? Do you prefer just one part for a short story or multiple?

I'm also sorry for not publishing anything so far 😭 I was at a party and simply didn't have the time to before it I'm sorry Pls forgive me haha

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