Rumor has it

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You'll HATE me for this one 😂

"Babe, I'm sorry." He said but I could see that he wasn't really sorry at all. He didn't think it was a big deal and that made me even more furious.

"You're not sorry! That's the problem! You don't even think you did something wrong!" I yelled at him, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"I told you I was going out with friends." He said, rolling his eyes like a stupid high school boy. He was acting like one too.

"Yeah, friends. Not your fucking ex girlfriend! Do you have any idea of how stupid I look right now? It's already all over the press!" I groaned, remembering the pictures and articles. The fans were already spreading rumors and to be fair, I believed them.

I couldn't trust Bradley lately. He'd been lying to me and going behind my back a lot and I didn't know why. I thought everything was fine and that he was just as in love with me as I was with him but I was seriously starting to question that now. Did he even love me? Was he going to leave me for his ex?

"It's just rumors, Stef." He said, still in that calm voice of his that made me even angrier.

"It's not! I saw the damn pictures, Bradley! You were all cozy and close and I remember you telling me that you didn't get along. Was anything you told me the truth at this point?" I asked, feeling defeated. I didn't think anything could go worse.

"Of course! I fucking love you, Stef and I'd never hurt you on purpose! I lied about it because I knew you wouldn't like it-"

I cut him off with a scoff. "Then why did you do it?"

He stayed silent after that and I also didn't know what else to say. He knew he'd hurt me by going out with his ex. The same ex that sent me death threats and made my life a living hell for weeks. He went out partying with her while I was at home, waiting for him to come back with the pictures all over the internet. I was more than hurt.

"I'm sorry." He finally said.

"Sorry won't fix everything, Bradley. You've been sorry before and you still kept going behind my back and lied to me, so no. I won't accept your fucking apology this time and I don't want to see you right now. Leave." I said, trying not to cry. I didn't want to break and I sure as hell didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he'd hurt me.

"Babe, please don't do this." He begged and I shook my head, pointing at the door.

"Get out!" I yelled, making him sigh.

"Okay." He shrugged and without another word, he left.


Bradley Cooper and his ex are back together?!

Bradley and Gaga split?!

Did Bradley Cooper cheat on Lady Gaga with his EX GIRLFRIEND?

Confirmed: Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga are over.

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