New Piggy

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I pressed Asia's cute little dog body against my chest and cuddled her, while crossing my legs to get into a more comfortable position. It had been 6 months without my precious baby and I had missed her.

Bradley watched me shower my dogs in love and smiled, his arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against the door frame. His shirt was half unbuttoned and his sweatpants hung low on his waist. His hair was messy and his beard had grown a bit since the last time I'd seen him. He looked as handsome as ever and I still couldn't believe he was mine. I was one lucky motherfucker.

I curled my finger, motioning for him to come join me and he chuckled. He was on the floor by my side in a second and buried his face into my neck, breathing in my scent. "I missed you." He mumbled against my skin, pressing a gentle kiss on it.

I shivered a bit at the feeling and turned my face towards him. "I missed you too." Our lips met for a moment and when he pulled away he smiled widely.

"What?" I questioned.

"Wait here, I have a surprise for you!" He exclaimed excitedly and I laughed when he stumbled out of the room to rush into the other.

I waited for a few moments until he came back, a furry little friend in his arms. He grinned and sat down next to me, presenting a cute little French bulldog to me. I cooed at how adorable it was and extended my arms out to hold it.

"Oh my god, Bradley! He's so cute!" I said in a baby voice and massaged it's tiny head with my fingertips.

"I got him for you. You wanted another one and since I'm always around anyway I'll take care of him and make sure he's potty trained." He said, smiling at me and our new family member.

"I love you." I squealed out and cupped his face between both of my hands before kissing him.

We only pulled away when the dogs made us pull apart and laughed.

"What do you want to name him?" Bradley asked me and I thought about it for a while before smiling again.

"He looks like a Tokio." I then said.

"Tokio? Like the city?"

I giggled. "Yes! Don't you like it?"

Bradley shook his head with a smile. "I love it, I love you." He said in the sweetest voice imaginable and I fell for him once again, if that was even possible.

Our family grew and grew and I hoped that one day we'd be having a child of our own as well.

This is hella short but maybe I'll update twice today as well? We'll see 😌🙏🏻

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