Raising Ava [1]

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I am so so sorry for not updating this book! I've been busy and stressed so I didn't write anything in a few days 😩 I think I'm on a writers block or something atm. It'll get better, I hope! Enjoy this one for now :)

The days went by in a haze. After both of my best friends passed away and left their baby behind, their lawyer told me I had full custody over their baby and I was forced to leave my life as I knew it behind, everything changed. Including me.

I carried Ava in one arm and held the phone up to my ear with the other, a white robe covering my naked body since I'd just gotten out of the shower and my hair was still wet. "No, you don't understand! I have a baby now, she's not even a year old and needs me, I can't just leave her-" I groaned out in frustration at my boss and rolled my eyes when he yelled at me again. "I know the deadline was today and I promise I'll send you the article tomorrow morning." I begged, letting out a sigh of relief when I heard him tell me that it'd better be on his desk by 7am latest. "Thank you. I have to go!" I quickly said when I heard a knock on the door. I threw the phone onto the sofa, adjusted Ava on my arm so she'd be more comfortable and safer and opened the door, revealing a handsome man who seemed familiar, yet I couldn't place my finger on where I knew him from.

"Hi. Uhm I'm Bradley. Bradley Cooper. I'm-"

And then it clicked. He was James' older brother from Chicago. I'd met him once or twice before since he was quite busy according to James.

"You're James' brother." I said and he nodded. "What brings you here? I didn't see you at his funeral."

He sighed and wiped a hand over his face in frustration or something. "I couldn't make it here on time." He paused. "Have we met before?" He suddenly asked furrowing his brows at me.

I blushed a little, remembering my horrible appearance. The circles under my eyes were dark since I'd barely gotten sleep since their death and Ava kept me up all night. My hair was probably a mess and I was pretty sure I had throw up stains on my robe. "Not really. I'm Stefani. I am- I was a friend of James and Sarah. They were like family to me." I said and then cleared my throat, stepping to the side. "Come in. I don't want Ava to get too cold."

Bradley walked inside and looked around the house. I couldn't even touch anything. Everything reminded me of them and throwing anything away seemed so cruel to me so I left all the pictures on the walls and clothes in their drawers.

"The last time I was here was less painful." Bradley simply said and I nodded, a sad smile on my lips.

Ava woke up and whined a little making my instinct of bouncing her up and down on my arm kick in immediately. I never thought I'd be a good mother and quite frankly just didn't think I even had it in me to care for someone else since I didn't do a good job at caring for myself but I had to push all of my worries and fears aside when Ava came into the picture and with her came all the motherly instincts I thought I'd lacked. "It's time for her bottle." I announced and kissed her head while we made our way into the kitchen.

Bradley hesitantly held out his hands and gave me a nervous smile. "Can I hold her?"

I carefully handed him the baby and smiled when he started talking to her in a baby voice.

"Why are you here, Bradley?" I asked when we were sat down on the couch, the bottle in Ava's mouth as I fed her.

He sighed and leaned back on the couch, then looked at me. "James was my brother and even though we couldn't see each other often, he meant the world to me. I was a shit older brother, I always got in trouble when we were both younger and still lived with our parents but James was always there for me. The times he had to pull me out of shit were insane and I owe him everything I am today." He paused and then looked at me.

I blinked back some tears and readjusted the bottle in Ava's mouth.

"I know you have full custody of Ava and that's fine. You seem like you've got it under control, but I want to help." He said, looking down at Ava who was almost asleep again and then back at me. "I want to raise her."

"I don't know you. How do you think this would work?" I asked, a little skeptical.

"Then get to know me. I will do everything you want me to do, just please let me be a part of Ava's life. I owe it to James." He whispered the last part and I could see a tear roll down his cheek.

Without thinking about it too much I reached out my hand and wiped it away with my thumb. The air suddenly stood still and I noticed how blue his eyes were, the tears in them made them look like an ocean. "Okay." I whispered, quickly pulling my hand back again. "Let's raise her together."

This is the introduction chapter to this short series 😌 it will involve some cute fluff, I'll try and make it a little funny and there will be smut so get ready for this ride!

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