are we pregnant?!

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Bradley and I have been going crazy with the sex lately, but I had absolutely no reason to complain. It was always amazing and I couldn't get enough of him, yet I simply didn't get pregnant. It was frustrating and saddening. We both really wanted a baby and every time the tests came back negative it felt like someone ripped that chance right out of our hands.

"Negative." I said, throwing the tests away.

Bradley pulled me towards him and smiled. "It's okay, baby. It will happen." He assured me and I let myself fall onto his lap, straddling him.

"Maybe we're trying too hard." I mumbled and placed my head on his chest. My fingers drew soft circles on his stomach and I let out a heavy sigh.

"I love you. We're going to get pregnant and have a baby. Just not now." He kissed my forehead and I shut my eyes, relaxing against his body.


It had been a week since I'd taken the last test and I scowled at the box of tests that was placed on the cupboard inside of our bathroom. I told Bradley I didn't want to take them anymore and that I was done with trying so we rarely had sex anymore. Rarely meaning, not three times a day.

Just two. We were horny. Leave us alone.

I brushed my teeth and when the toothbrush hit the back of my throat I gagged a little, which was unusual. I usually didn't have a gag reflex. I didn't think much of it though and continued on with my day.


Another week later these strange cravings kicked in. I loved pickles and peanut butter and dipped nearly everything in ketchup. That wasn't too weird to me though since I could easily blame it on my period being close.


When said period never came though I finally put all the pieces together. Cravings, gag reflexes at nearly anything, (I found everything disgusting somehow) mood swings and mild morning sickness: I was pregnant!

When the realization hit me I immediately rushed to the tests in the bathroom and took about 20 while I paced around the bedroom, the bathroom was connected to. When Bradley came home and found me there he chuckled. "Are you okay?" He raised an eyebrow and I stopped, looking down at my watch before going back to the bathroom and checking on the tests.

Also positive.
Very fucking positive.

I grabbed one of the tests and held it in my hands for a few seconds. I couldn't believe it. I was really carrying a baby inside of me. A whole ass human being. Created by Bradley and I.

When I walked back into the bedroom, the test in one hand, Bradley looked at me. Then at the test and then back at me.

"Stef." He paused. I smiled and nodded. "Are we pregnant?!" He yelled excitedly, rushing towards me to look at the test.

"Oh my god!" He wrapped his arms around me and started crying. That's when I lost it as well. We both just held each other, sobbing. It was truly the best moment of our lives.

"I'm pregnant. We're going to be parents, I can't believe it!" I said, laughing at Bradley's excited face. He was absolutely adorable and I could see how truly happy he was about it, which made me even happier.
I couldn't have asked for a better man to have a baby with.

"I love you so much. You're incredible." He said with such love, it almost made me cry again.

He pressed his lips on mine and let one of his hands rest on my stomach. "You're going to get breakfast in bed today. I already brought the muffins." He smirked, pointing at the brown bag he'd brought from the bakery.

"I don't want you to spoil me too much." I complained and Bradley scoffed, shaking his hand while he already dragged me over to the bed.

"You're going to get spoiled and so is our baby, that you're carrying. Suck it up, Germanotta and lay down." He demanded, chuckling.

"So demanding." I joked, getting back into bed.

"You love it." He teased, kissing my cheek.

"Not the only thing I love."

"Shut it, I'm not having sex with you now." He warned. "Even though that pregnancy glow makes you look even more irresistible than before."

I laughed and grabbed one of the muffins out of his hand. "We're pregnant." I said again, loving the way it sounded.

"Stop saying that. I will cry again." Bradley whined, still smiling though. "I love you already, little bean." He said, poking my stomach.

I giggled. "We do, so be nice to mommy and don't cause me too much pain, please." I sighed, knowing this pregnancy wouldn't be easy on my body.


Whoop another pregnancy one because you seemed to like the last one! :) it's short so I thought I'd update twice again today!

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